Borrow & return

Karolinska Institutet University Library (KIB) is a public library, open to all. At this page you will find all information on how to borrow, return and request books. 

Are you a new student? Check the page New student at the library for more library tips

Library account

Anyone who has turned 16 years of age and has a valid Swedish ID can apply for a library account. People without a Swedish personal identity number can in some cases apply for a library account with a shorter validity period. Contact the library for more information. KI students automatically receive a library account when they activate their student account. KI employees and public users need to fill in the application form and contact the library to activate the library account.

PIN code and contact information

  • Students change their PIN code trough KIPAS (only accessible at campus) and their contact information trough Ladok
  • KI employees or public users can change the PIN code and contact information at My Loans

Library service regulations

What can I borrow/use?

I am I can borrow I can access databases and e-books Library account and library card
Student Everything Yes, through logging in with student account Library account is activated at the same time as your student account. The KI card works as a library card.
Employee at KI, including doctoral students Everything Yes, through KI login Apply for a library account, then contact the library to activate the library account. After this, you can add your KI card as a library card.
KI affiliated Everything Yes, through KI login Apply for a library account, then contact the library to activate the library account.
Public users Everything Only through library computers Apply for a library account, then visit the library to present identification to get your account activated.

The library's collections

In the library we have our collection of Course books, which are all mandatory course literature. Recommended course literature, older editions of course books and other non-fiction literature about medicine can be found our collection of Specialist books.

We also have our collection called Equal Opportunities and two humanities collections: Camera Obscura in Solna and Laterna Magica in Flemingsberg.

Here you can read more about our collections.

Search and find in the library

The easiest way to find course books and other literature that the library provides is to search for them on the library's search box. You can find the search box on the front page.

Here we have gathered some tips on how you best find the literature on site in the library.

Loan periods and renewals

The library's books are divided into two categories: course books and specialist books.

Material type Loan period Renew? Request?
Course book (in the course book room) 7 days Automatic renewal in maximum 6 months, as long as no one else is queueing.   Yes, if all copies are checked out or if you want the book sent Flemingsberg <> Solna.
Specialist books (all other collections) 21 days Automatic renewal in maximum 12 months, as long as no one else is queueing.   Yes, if all copies are checked out or if you want the book sent Flemingsberg <> Solna.
Course book sent by post 11 days Automatic renewal in maximum 6 months, as long as no one else is queueing. .   
Course book for students with reading difficulties 14 days Automatic renewal in maximum 6 months, as long as no one else is queueing. Renewal period is 7 days.  Yes, if all copies are checked out or if you want the book sent Flemingsberg <> Solna.
Reference book (marked with REF) Same day at 22.00 No No
Examination computer for students with reading difficulties 2 days No Book through the form
Whiteboard pens 1 day No No
Journals No loan No No

The updated return date can be seen on My Loans and it's your responsibility to keep check on it. The return date is never on weekends or red days. 

The library can send books by post to remote students with an address outside the Stockholm area (but within Sweden). You can read more under Postal loans in our library service regulations. The library can send books to employees, either home or to the workplace. 

At the end of each month you will receive an email with information about all your loans and reservations.

Returning books

Books may be returned to any of our libraries that suits you best. If the library is closed you can use our book drop. Please note that you do this at own risk, as you are responsible for the books until the return is registered in the library system. Therefore, we recommend that you come inside and return the books in our self-service machines when possible. The book drop is located outdoors and open 24/7.

  • The book drop in Flemingsberg is located to the left of the main entrance (if going in), on Alfred Nobels allé 8. It's a large grey metal box with the sign Book drop on it.
  • The book drop in Solna is located on Berzelius väg 7 A, it's a black box with the sign Book drop on it. 

If you need to return your books via post, use the following address:

Karolinska Institutet
Universitetsbiblioteket Solna, Fe 200
SE-171 77 Stockholm

Both books borrowed in Solna and in Flemingsberg, also books 2kg+, are to be sent to this address. Please note! You pay the postal fees and you are responsible for the books until they are delivered to the library.

Requesting books

To request a book out on loan, you must search for the book and log in and click on Request. You can not request books that are available on the shelves, just pick them up yourself from the shelf, but you can get books sent between Solna <> Flemingsberg by requesting the book.

Remote students (postal code outside Stockholm) and employees at KI can request books that are available on the shelves and have them sent to them.

Fines and invoices

If you are late returning a book, no matter the reason, you will get an overdue fine.

Material type Overdue charge
All books 10 SEK per day (max 150 SEK per book)

If you have overdue fines of or exceeding 100 SEK, you will be blocked from borrowing, renewing, and requesting books. As soon as you pay your fines in full we will remove the block. 

More information on fines and invoices can be found in our library service regulations.

Article delivery and interlibrary loans

If you do not find a book or an article you can use our order form to order it from another library (interlibrary loan). If there's something you think we should have in our collections, feel free to submit a purchase suggestion. This only applies to KI students and KI employees. You need to have a library account to order.

Here you can read more on how to order articles and interlibrary loans.


Student som besöker infodisken i Solna.

Contact the library

You are welcome to contact us through phone, chat or email.

Opening hours chat & phone

mån - fre: 9:00-16:00
lör - sön: Stängt
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Senast uppdaterad: 2025-01-15