Article delivery and interlibrary loans

If the library does not have the book or article you need, we can try to find your requested material in other libraries and interlibrary loan it. To order material, you must be either a KI student or KI employee and have a library account. This applies regardless of whether you want to order articles or request interlibrary loans of books. If you do not have a library account, you can fill in our application form. If you have a library account, you can use our order form. You can also make a purchase suggestion if you think it's a book the library should own.

OBS! Students in the Stockholm area cannot order interlibrary loans of books held by libraries in Stockholm. Such orders will be refused and referred to the libraries in Stockholm that have the book.

Applying for a library account

To order articles or books as interlibrary loans, you must have a library account and be either a KI student or a KI employee. Students automatically get a library account when they activate their student account and do not need to apply for an account. Employees need to apply for a library account and do so easily via this form. Then just contact the library to activate the account. Read more about library accounts here.

Order articles and interlibrary loans

Order form

Step 1: Use the order form that you find on our web

Picture that shows where to click to get to the order form


Step 2: Log in (please observe that only KI employees and students can order)

Picture that show the log in screen


Step 3: Fill out as many fields as you can and make sure that you use the correct the form depending if your requested material is either a book or an article , that will make it easier to find the article or book.

Order for articles

Tip! If you want to order an article, with the article's PMID or DOI you can get help with auto-filling the form.

How to get a pre-filled form

When you're searching for resources in the library's search box you can click on "Also include not offered by the KI Library" and get hits on resources that library don't have a subscription on or have in our catalogue. If you're already logged in on your account there's an option to get to the order form and have all information filled out in advance.

Step 1: When you're logged in and found an article that isn't included in the library's catalogue, click on the button that says "Order form".


Step 2: You will now see an order form where all the necessary information has been filled out in advance. Check to see that your contact information is correct and then send the order. 


If you order books as interlibrary loan, make sure that you have the correct address on your library account!



The article you ordered will be delivered to your KI email or the email that wrote when you ordered. In the mail it'll be a link that you click on to download the article. You can also download the article and track all you orders from My Loans. Please observe that the link can only be opened twice, make sure to download the article as soon as you open the link.

Picture that show how the delivered articles can be found and downloaded from My Loans


Articles that can't be sent digitally will be sent with physical mail instead to the address on your library account. Make sure that you have the correct address on your account.


If you're an employee at KI, a doctoral student or a distance student (only if you live beyond the Stockholm area) interlibrary loans will be sent to the address on your library account. Make sure that you have the correct address on your account.

Price List


Student visiting the information desk in Solna.

Contact the library

You are welcome to contact us through phone, chat or email.

Opening hours chat & phone

Mon - Fri: 9:00-16:00
Sat - Sun: Closed
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Last updated: 2025-03-21