
Introduktionstillfälle för dig med funktionsvariation

Är du ny student på KI? Vill du veta mer om vilket stöd du kan få som student med funktionsvariation? Inför terminsstarten har du möjlighet att träffa och ställa frågor till oss som arbetar med att stödja KI-studenter med funktionsvariation.

  • 27 August

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  • 10:00–12:00 CET
  • Solna
    Synapsen 1, plan 3, Berzelius väg 7B, Solna

Introduktioner höstterminen 2024

Varje terminsstart anordnar biblioteket introduktioner för nya programstudenter. Då berättar vi bland annat om hur biblioteket fungerar och om olika tjänster som kommer att kunna hjälpa dig i studierna. Här ser du schemat för höstterminen 2024.

  • 29 August - 12 September
  • Flemingsberg/Solna

Library introduction for international students 2024

At the start of each semester, the library organises introductory sessions for new programme students. We will tell you about how the library works and about different services that will help you in your studies. Here you can see the schedule of the sessions that will be held in English.

  • 2–6 September
  • Torget, University Library, Flemingsberg/Solna

Presentation: Using the database Cortellis Drug Discovery Intelligence

Per Arvidsson, MBB/KI, directs the national drug discovery platform at SciLifeLab, with a mission to support researchers undertaking academic drug discovery in Sweden. Per will highlight the importance of understanding both the validity and the competitive landscape related to your drug target of interest before embarking on a drug discovery endeavor. The KIB resource Cortellis Drug Discovery Intelligence (CDDI) is particularly valuable in this regard, as will be demonstrated in this presentation/demo.

  • 12 September

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  • 11:00–11:45 CET
  • Online

Master's Workshop: How to Successfully Study at a Swedish University

Studying at a Swedish university can feel disorienting and confusing, and your professors may have expectations of you that are different from those found in your home country. This short workshop will introduce you to the conventions of university study in Sweden, allow you to ask questions and provide you with tools and concrete tips that will help you succeed in your studies at KI. 

Master's Workshop: Finding Scientific Resources

As a Master’s student, you are expected to find, integrate and correctly cite scientific sources in your own writing. The KI library allows you to access thousands of scientific journals and a variety of comprehensive databases. During this workshop, you will learn how to use these resources effectively in order to find the articles you need.

Master's Workshop: Academic Writing

In order to communicate your research to others (and pass your courses), you need to understand and master the conventions of academic writing. This workshop will introduce you to those conventions and provide you with strategies for writing clear and well-structured academic texts. The workshop will include hands-on writing activities. 

Educational Congress 2024 - Exploring the Human Dimensions of Education

Welcome to the Educational Congress 2-3 October 2024 on medical education!

  • 2–3 October
  • Solna
    University Library Torget, Berzelius Väg 7B

Master's Workshop: Reading Complex Academic Texts

As a Master’s student, you are expected to read and comprehend complex academic texts. During this workshop, you will learn techniques and strategies for doing so. In addition, you will practice reading strategically, that is, reading to improve critical thinking, to build vocabulary, and to improve academic writing skills. 

Master's Workshop: Eat Lunch, Speak English – with Confidence!

Grab a lunch and join us for a brief online lunch session during which you’ll get tips and hands-on practice that will help you improve your English-language speaking skills! 

Master's Workshop: Writing Clear and Effective Sentences

In order to communicate your research to others, your writing needs to be clear and well-structured. This applies not just to the overall structure of your text; it also applies to your sentences.

Master's Workshop: Effective paraphrasing

When you use material from other sources in your texts, you need to indicate your sources crystal clearly, but you also need to paraphrase, express the information in your own words (unless you have a strong reason for quoting). Yet, many of us find paraphrasing difficult. During this workshop, you will get advice for paraphrasing effectively, as well as practice your paraphrasing skills.

Master's Workshop: Eat Lunch, Speak English – with Confidence!

Grab a lunch and join us for a brief online lunch session during which you’ll get tips and hands-on practice that will help you improve your English-language speaking skills! 

Master's Workshop: Managing References with Endnote Online or Zotero

Reference management programs help you collect, format and organize your sources. During this workshop, you will learn how to use either Endnote Online or Zotero. 

Master's Workshop: AI, information literacy, and writing

During the last few years, a great number of new generative AI tools have been launched. This workshop addresses both the potential and risks of using generative AI tools in your studies, focusing on how you may be able to use them responsibly. You will also get to try a couple of generative AI tools.

Master's Workshop: Eat Lunch, Speak English – with Confidence!

Grab a lunch and join us for a brief online lunch session during which you’ll get tips and hands-on practice that will help you improve your English-language speaking skills! 

Master's Workshop: Giving Oral Presentations

Giving oral presentations is an important part of scholarly exchange. During this workshop, you will learn how to plan, prepare for, structure and deliver an effective oral presentation. We will also discuss how to avoid being nervous. 

Master's Workshop: Writing a Research Plan

This workshop will help you write a clear, well-structured research plan for your Master’s thesis.