
Master's Workshop: Eat Lunch, Speak English – with Confidence!

Grab a lunch and join us for a brief online lunch session during which you’ll get tips and hands-on practice that will help you improve your English-language speaking skills! 

CANCELLED! KIB Workshop: How to avoid questionable journals

Journals and publishers using exploitative or questionable business models is a growing problem in academic publishing. Questionable behavior could for example include charging authors for publishing without providing proper peer review or false claims about indexing and impact factor. In this workshop we will discuss types of questionable publishing and give practical advice on how to recognize and avoid questionable journals.

Master's Workshop: Managing References with Endnote Online or Zotero

Reference management programs help you collect, format and organize your sources. During this workshop, you will learn how to use either Endnote Online or Zotero. 

KIB workshop: Finding sources for your half-time review, thesis or next publication

Do you want to make sure you don’t miss relevant articles in your subject area? This workshop gives you tools and techniques to find papers in a structured way. The first part of the workshop is a presentation on how to search systematically in PubMed and Web of Science. During the second part, you will work under guidance with your own research topic. To get the most out of this workshop, you need a well-defined research question and some experience with PubMed.

KIB workshop: Design a graphical abstract for your paper

Do you want to make your research paper stand out? Do you want to provide your readers with an effective and visually appealing summary of your key findings? Then join this hands-on workshop to learn how to turn your manuscript into a graphical abstract!

Master's Workshop: Generative AI, information literacy, and writing -- potential and risks

During the last few years, a great number of new generative AI tools have been launched. This workshop addresses both the potential and risks of using generative AI tools in your studies, focusing on how you may be able to use them responsibly. You will also get to try a couple of generative AI tools.

KIB workshop: Publish and share your data

Do you need to publish your data? In this workshop, you will get an overview of what to do. We will cover the process of how to publish your data if it will be available as open access, as well as what to do if you have sensitive data which cannot be made openly available. We will also discuss your options regarding where to store and share your data.

KIB workshop: Writing the popular science summary of your thesis

The ability to write about your research in a manner that is understandable and interesting to the general public is an essential skill for any scientist. The new KI guidelines for writing the doctoral thesis also strongly recommend you write a popular science summary in English. This workshop will provide you with models for and hands-on practice in adapting content, structure and style when writing the popular science summary in English for your doctoral thesis.

Master's Workshop: Eat Lunch, Speak English – with Confidence!

Grab a lunch and join us for a brief online lunch session during which you’ll get tips and hands-on practice that will help you improve your English-language speaking skills! 

KIB workshop: iThenticate – a plagiarism detection software

In this workshop we will show you how the iThenticate works, how to upload a document and basic things about interpreting the report. The workshop will be held from a software-oriented perspective.

Öppet föredrag om Christina Larsdotter – Sápmis jättinna

Författaren Åke Lundgren från Malå utkom i september med sin tredje och sista bok om Christina Larsdotter, eller Stor-Stina som hon ibland kallades. Christina Larsdotter, född 1819, var sameflickan från Brännäs utanför Malå som inte slutade växa. Hennes exceptionella längd tog henne till Stockholm, Europa och världsutställningen i London, där hon visades upp mot betalning. Efter hennes död 1854 fördes Christina Larsdotters kropp till KI, där skelettet ställdes ut på det anatomiska museet.

  • 2024-11-21

    Lägg till iCal

  • 17:00–19:00 CET
  • Solna
    sal Christina Larsdotter, Berzelius väg 3, 17165 Solna

Master's Workshop: Giving Oral Presentations

Giving oral presentations is an important part of scholarly exchange. During this workshop, you will learn how to plan, prepare for, structure and deliver an effective oral presentation. We will also discuss how to avoid being nervous. 

KIB Presentation: Manage your group’s research information with KI RIMS

In this presentation we will be demonstrating how KI RIMS can help you, as a research group leader, manage and reuse information about your group's members, publications, research grants and more. We will show how this information is used on ki.se, for your external group page. We will also cover the group-level reports that you can generate from the reporting hub in KI RIMS


KIB workshop: Writing the comprehensive summary (”kappa”) for your doctoral thesis

Writing the comprehensive summary or “kappa” for your thesis will be different from anything you have written before, not least because you are writing for a different purpose and different audience than a research article. Additionally, you will be writing the kappa on your own, not with your research group as co-authors. So, what do you need to think about when you write your comrehensive summary? Join us for a hands-on workshop during which we discuss structure, synthesis and writing techniques for the kappa. 

KIB workshop: Curate your profile page and CV with KI RIMS

Managing your profile page on ki.se and keeping your CV updated is easier than ever, using KI RIMS. We will show you how KI RIMS can help you manage and reuse information about your publications, professional activities, research grants, to populate your CV and more! This workshop will give you a hands-on demonstration and explore best practices on how to use the system. There will be time for questions at the end.

Master's Workshop: Writing a Research Plan

This workshop will help you write a clear, well-structured research plan for your Master’s thesis. 

KIB workshop: Writing the literature review for your half-time review

This session focuses on the literature review, an important part of your half-time review (and of your thesis). You now have the literature sources you need, but how do you write the review?

KIB lunch webinar: EU funding and the requirements for open access in publications and research data

During this webinar you will learn about open science and open access publishing, with a specific focus on the European Union research funding programmes (eg. Horizon Europe, The European Research Council, The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions,  etc.). There is a number of requirements regarding open science and open access for both publications and research data that KI researchers need to follow and know about when applying for research funding.