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Contact & opening hours

Here you will find information about the library's opening hours and how to contact us.

This week's opening hours Solna & Flemingsberg

Information desk

mån - fre: 10:00-14:00
lör - sön: Stängt

Library premises

mån - fre: 9:00-16:00
lör - sön: Stängt

Extended opening hours

mån - sön: 7:00-22:00

See opening hours for the whole year


Phone: 08-524 84 000
Email: kib@ki.se
Chat: If we're online you see the chat box in the right hand corner.

Give feedback about the library or library website

Opening hours chat & phone

mån - fre: 9:00-16:00
lör - sön: Stängt
Extended hours at the library
Extended hours at the library
Två studenter i Solna.

Extended hours at the library

Employees and students at KI can use the libraries in Solna and Flemingsberg 07.00–22.00, every day of the week. You enter the library with your KI card and PIN code.

Student IT

If you have questions on IT related issues you can contact Student IT. 

Phone & email

mån - fre: 8:00-16:00
lör - sön: Stängt

Support in information searching

Are you looking for scientific articles or writing references and need advice? You can get help from our librarians. We offer both drop-in via Zoom and booked consultations.

Opening hours booked & drop-in support in Zoom

mån - fre: 12:00-14:00
lör - sön: Stängt

Academic Writing Support

Academic Writing Support helps you improve your academic writing, reading and oral presentation skills, as well as your popular science writing.

Publication support

Contact us with questions regarding open access, KI's publishing agreements, bibliometrics, publishing in KI Open Archive and strategic publishing. 

Search requests for researchers

If you are a researcher and need help with literature searches, for example in a systematic review, please contact the search group.


From Bildmakarna you can order productions and get help with creating pictures, videos and posters.

Customer reception by appointment Bildmakarna Nobels väg 15 B.

Thursday April 17th we will close at 12:00 due to Easter holidays. Back Tuesday April 22nd 09:00

Data Access Unit

The Data Access Unit at the University Library helps you making research data available and open access where applicable. We're part of Research Data Office (RDO) at KI.