Opening hours during the year

Here you can find the entire year's opening hours. You can always see current week's opening hours at Contact & opening hours

Regular opening hours

Library premises Solna & Flemingsberg

Extended opening hours for KI affiliated all days7:00–22:00

Information desk

Monday–Friday 10:00–14:00

Chat & phone

Monday–Friday 9:00–16:00

Support in information searching

Monday–Friday 12:00–14:00

Student IT

Monday–Friday 8:00–16:00

Irregular opening hours

The library has limited opening hours during the Easter holidays and Valpurgis. On Bank holidays all services are closed but the premises are open for KI affiliated. Below you will find more details regarding different services. Getting a reply could be a bit longer during this period of time. 

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Last updated: 2025-03-12