Navigation tips and tricks

  • To return to your start page, click on your name which should be on the left-hand side of the main navigation links at the top of the page. 
  • You can check and update your profile on your start page under the heading My profile. Among other things, you can add or remove namestrings there which will the be used to search the bibliometry database. 
  • Our Help link is at the bottom of the page. The help page will open in a new window. 
  • To search for your articles by PMID-number, click on the Find and Verify link on your start page, then click on the tab Find by PMID(s). NOTE: Your search is limited to the publications in the KI bibliometry database and therefore you may not retrieve results for all PMIDs.
  • To search for a publication by title, author, address, year or journal name, click on Find and Verify on your start page and then click on the tab Search
  • After you click on Find and verify, select the publications you want to verify and click on the green Confirm button. The articles should now be visible in the next step: Supply addresses to your publications
  • To remove publications from your List of suggestions that appears after you click on Find and verify, select the publications you want to remove and click on the red Unconfirm button. 
  • In the step Supply addresses to your publications, choose the address where you wrote the respective article by marking the correct checkbox. Then select the relevant publication(s) and verify them by clicking on the green Submit all pending addresse(s) button. NOTE: verified publications cannot be removed. Address information cannot be removed either, however you can add additional addresses to a publication. 
  • If you have confirmed an article by mistake, you can remove it in the step Supply addresses to your publications by selecting the article in the list Publication without address(es) and clicking on the red X icon to the right of the publication. 
  • In the step Check if you're done a red exclamation mark will indicate if you have publications that still need to be connected to an address. Articles are not completely verified until they are connect to an address. In this stage, you can also see a summary of your status in the system.
Senast uppdaterad: 2021-06-11