Tips from the staff
Publishing research data is becoming an important component of Open Science. The Data Access Unit is a group of librarians that provide support to researchers publishing their data. The members of this group recently sat down to talk with Malin Sandström from the Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility (INCF) to discuss her recently published article “Recommendations for repositories and scientific gateways from a neuroscience perspective”
Do you need to know more about how to publish or share research data? The Data Access Unit (DAU) at the library offers tailor-made workshops on the subject for KI's research groups and departments. A number of fixed, digital opportunities per semester are also offered for researchers and doctoral students to register for. All workshops are held in English.
Documentation of research data and analyzes improves the conditions for the analyzes to be reproducible. This allows both you and your research group members and others to repeat the analyzes and arrive at the same results.

Sometimes it may be wise to take advantage of all the imagery available online under a CC license. The different CC licenses give you the right to use the material in different ways, so check carefully how it can be used, and as always be sure to cite who created the material! Here you will find a list of some of the databases that publish CC-licensed material.