Reading & writing difficulties

Everyone has the right to study at the university on equal terms. If you have any kind of reading and writing difficulties, it is important that you contact the coordinator at KI early. The library offers many services that can help in your studies.

Getting started

On the page Studying with disabilities you will have all the information you need to apply for special assistance. Contact person is Victoria Hansson, KI's coordinator for students with disabilities. You will be given a certificate to show to the staff in the library.

Phone: 08-524 860 04

Resource rooms with special equipment

The resource rooms are located inside the library in both Flemingsberg and in Solna. The resource rooms can be used for study or individual examinations. These rooms contain two computers that run special software and magnification equipment. The computers run software for speech synthesis, magnification, advanced spell-checking, language dictionary, etc. 

More information about the resource room

Talking books, e-text and braille

You have the opportunity to receive course literature in the talking book, large print, e-text or braille formats. You will need a user account in order to download. The library will create one for you, as well as give you an introduction on usage. You can download talking books directly to your computer or smartphone from Legimus.

If you for some reason can't download yourself or need large print, e-text or braille, please use the order form instead.

If your (mandatory) course literature has not already been scanned, you can request scanning. It takes two months to produce a talking book or braille book, but you can get parts delivered as the book is being scanned. An e-text book is produced in five weeks.

There are free software for reading that can be downloaded on Legimus website.

Text-to-speech TorTalk

As a KI student, you have access to the text-to-speech software TorTalk that you install on your own computer. All students can download the program, but students who find it hard to read regular text might find it extra useful.

How to install TorTalk

Free tools on the web

Microsoft Edge - has an advanced reader that can be used to listen to texts that are not on Legimus. See film for instructions.

Google Lens - reads out text from a book page that you photograph yourself. To get more voices, you can copy the text into Microsoft365. Available for both iOS and Android.
Make sure to delete the text in Microsoft365 when you have finished listening to it, for copyright reasons.

EasyReader - programme that can read talking book files and is free to download. It can be used in conjunction with Legimus and works on both computers and mobiles.

Extended loan period

You may borrow course book for two weeks, with the opportunity to extend this period with 7 days at a time.

Printing and copying

You may apply for a grant that pays for printing. You can apply for this when you meet the KI:s coordinator for students with disabilities.

When your application is approved and it is stated on your attestation, you can have your printing account filled by either visiting the library information desk or by filling out this form.

Individual language assistance

If you want help with language, style and structure in your writing assignments, you are welcome to book an appointment with Academic Writing Support in the same way as other students. This means that, subject to availability in the booking system, you can book two sessions per assignment.

Språkverkstaden 2025

Academic Writing Support

Academic Writing Support helps you improve your academic writing, reading and oral presentation skills, as well as your popular science writing.

For teachers

If you as a teacher need to book the resource rooms for individual exams, fill in our form for booking.

Important information! As May 17th the library will stop lending computers for examination! For more information, please contact Student IT.


If you have more questions about the library's support for students with reading and writing difficulties, you can contact us or fill in our form and we will contact you.

Student visiting the information desk in Solna.

Contact the library

You are welcome to contact us through phone, chat or email.

Opening hours chat & phone

Mon - Fri: 9:00-16:00
Sat - Sun: Closed
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Last updated: 2025-03-12