Printing & copying

In order to print, copy and scan you need a student account, and preferably a KI card for faster management. (If you're not a student, you need a library account with a corresponding computer login).

Manage printing account

Refill printing account

You buy printouts after logging in to KI Print, click on Buy print-outs. You buy printouts with a debit/credit card. Here's how to buy printouts in KI Print

Please note that you cannot withdraw money that you have already paid, instead, buy smaller amounts that you know you will spend during your study period.

If you are a student with reading and writing difficulties, you may have the right to free print-outs (this requires that this right is written on the certificate from the KI coordinator for students with disabilities ). You get your printing account refilled with SEK 250 at a time. Contact the library staff or fill out the form to get free print-outs.

Getting started

As a student, you use your student account to log in to KI Print (the printing system). You can start scanning at once. To print and copy you need to buy printouts. 

If you are not KI affiliated, you can start using your printing account as soon as you have activated your library account and bought printouts through KI Print. You also need to connect your library card and the printer if you want to print with your card. You do this at one of the printers by putting your library card against the card reader and logging in with your login details (cb\personal identity number (10 or 12 digits) and your password). 

If you are an KI employee (also doctoral students) you must first go to one of the printers in or outside the library and log in with your KI login (KI-ID) on the display. After that, your printing account is enabled, and you have free printouts.

Print from KI computers

Do you want to print from your own computer? See the next heading.

The default when printing is 2-sided black and white. To print 1-sided or in colour, you must select this manually when printing from the computer (usually by checking Printer Properties). Same procedure if you want your copies stapled directly by the printer.

  • Select Skriv ut / Print on the computer and make sure to use the printer / printing queue called FollowKibSkrivare. (If FollowKibSkrivare is missing in the list of available printers, try re-starting the computer).
  • Go to any printer and swipe your KI card against the card reader. (You may also print without your card, by entering your login credentials on the printer display).
  • Select Print all to instantly print all the documents that you have sent to the printing system. If you only wish to print some of your documents: choose Print release instead, select which document/s to print, and press Print. (Tip! If you press > , the symbol to the right of each listed document, you will be able to adjust the number of printouts of that particular document.)
  • Press Log out when you're finished. 

Print from your own computer

You can print from your own computer in two ways; either via Mobility Print or Web Print. We recommend Mobility Print because it gives you more opportunities. However, you need to install software to print with Mobility Print. You can use Web Print to print from your own computer without installing software.

Instructions on how to print with Mobility Print or Web Print


Hold your KI card (or library card) against the card reader, press Device Funtions on the display, and then choose Copy.

Image of the display of when you are printing at a printer.


Hold your KI card (or library card) against the card reader and press Scan on the display. If necessary, choose your settings. The completed scan will be sent to your registered email (student email for students). Scanning is free and environmentally friendly! 

Image of a display when scanning at a printer.


Black and white Colour
A4, 1-sided 0,50 SEK A4,1-sided 1,00 SEK
A4, 2-sided 0,90 SEK (0,45) SEK A4, 2-sided 1,90 SEK (0,95) SEK
A3, 1-sided 1,00 SEK A3, 1-sided 2,00 SEK
A3, 2-sided 1,90 kr (0,95) SEK A3, 2-sided 3,90 SEK (1,95) SEK

Find the printers

You can collect your printouts at any printer if you choose FollowKibSkrivare when printing from the computer. Here is a list of where the printers are located. 

Printer nameLocationHouseCampus
AkvarietOutside computer room HannaHouse 75, Blombäcks väg 25, floor 3Solna
ElvisIn the entrance hall Berzelius väg 3BZ, Berzelius väg 3, floor 2Solna
PresleyIn the library, LundenBZ, Berzelius väg 3, floor 3Solna
AresIn the library, LundenBZ, Berzelius väg 3, floor 3Solna
ArtemisIn the space between lecture halls Gunnar Höglund and Rolf BerginBZ, Berzelius väg 3, floor 4Solna
Hyacint1Outside FranklinsalenScheelelab, Tomtebodavägen 6, floor 3Solna
Ana23aOpposite computer rooms Urban och Ursula (on the other side of the stairs)Alfred Nobels allé 23, floor 3Flemingsberg
Ana23bDirectly above the printer Ana23a on floor 3Alfred Nobels allé 23, floor 5Flemingsberg
Repro01In the libraryAlfred Nobels allé 8, floor 4Flemingsberg
Repro02In the libraryAlfred Nobels allé 8, floor 4Flemingsberg
HypofysenOutside lecture rooms Hypofysen 1 and 2 (in the library)Alfred Nobels allé 8, floor 4Flemingsberg


The library provide access to e-journals, but it is important that everyone follows the publishers' rules about how their materials may be used. You must see to it that you follow the directions for each different media type.

It is not allowed to copy or print an entire book.

Read more about copyright.

Common problems

Photo of a computer and hands pointing at the screen.

Student IT

If you have questions on IT related issues you can contact Student IT. 

Phone & email

Mon - Fri: 8:00-16:00
Sat - Sun: Closed
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Last updated: 2025-02-28