The library's workshops, courses and seminars
KIB offers workshops, courses and seminars for students, doctoral students and researchers at KI in areas such as information retrieval, reference management, scientific publishing and academic writing. The workshops are usually given in English, but the staff also speak Swedish. See the calendar for times and registration. We also organise workshops and courses "on demand", let us know what you're interested in.
Workshops for doctoral students and researchers
During the semester, KIB offers a series of workshops open to all doctoral students and researchers at KI. The workshops are held in English but the staff also speak Swedish. See the calendar for times and registration.
- Searching the literature for your half-time review, thesis or next publication
The idea is to provide you with dedicated time and support from search experts at the library when doing individual searches for the literature review that will form a part of your half-time review, thesis summary or your next publication. In addition to a short introduction to different databases, you will be given time to focus on your own searches. - Endnote X20 – manage your references
The idea is to give you time and support to build, organize and annotate a reference library in the reference management software Endnote, and to insert citations and bibliographies in Word according to different reference styles. - Writing the literature review for your half-time summary
This session focuses on the literature review, an important part of your half-time summary (and of your thesis). You now have the literature sources you need, but how do you write the review? During this session, we will discuss the function and the structure of the literature review, and you will learn how to write a well-structured, clear, and concise literature review. You will also get the chance to work on your own text. - Publish with impact – choose a journal for your manuscript
Deciding which journal to submit your manuscript to could be a difficult process and there are several criteria to consider before you make the choice. The aim of this workshop is to guide you to some tools that will support you in making a prepared decision. We will discuss factors like aim/scope/audience of the journal, Journal Impact Factor, visibility, open access, acceptance rate, peer-review-process etc. These factors will be discussed from a resource-oriented perspective. - iThenticate – a plagiarism detection software
If Iyou are a doctoral student or doctoral supervisor at KI you can access iThenticate which is a plagiarism detection program. Every thesis at KI is uploaded to iThenticate and the results are analyzed. Many journals are also using plagiarism detection software. In this workshop we will show you how the system works, how to upload a document and basic things about interpreting the report. The workshop will be held from a software-oriented perspective. - Activate your publication list and discover your publication metrics
In this workshop we will guide you through how to automatically create an updated publication list that includes the citation score, journal impact factor and links to the full texts, by using the KI bibliometric system. We will also take you through the steps how to register an author ID (ORCID). If wanted, we will also touch on other metrics: article metrics, journal metrics, altmetrics etc. - Research documentation: why, what and where!
Research documentation is an important part of the research process, how can you otherwise prove that your results are correct? In this workshop we will discuss and learn what should be documented, why it is important and where this documentation should be done. Topics such as personal data, ELN (mandatory from 1 January 2019), Ki guidelines and much more are addressed. Included will be a demonstration of ELN with tips and tricks in the system – if you don’t already have an ELN account, please apply for one before the workshop. Read more about ELN - Advanced searching for systematic reviews
A fundamental part of a systematic review is an exhaustive literature search that finds all relevant studies on a topic. Hence, it is important that the search strategy is rigorously developed and adapted to different databases. In this workshop we will discuss search techniques, databases and documentation. The session will also include demonstrations and hands-on searching. - Open Science databases
During this workshop, five openly available biomolecular databases will be presented. You will get the opportunity to explore two “ELIXIR” databases (Europe PubMed Central (PMC) and Biostudies) which offer text analysis as well as miscellaneous data publishing and linking capabilities. We will also look at two so called “breakthrough” databases Open Targets (for drug target validation) and Monarch Initiative (for phenotype comparison) both of which present complex underlying evidence in novel ways. - Open science - Sharing your articles and your data
Open science aims to make scientific research objects, for example publications, data and software, freely available as widely as possible. Sharing articles or publications openly helps disseminate research results and can increase the impact of the work. This workshop will give a brief introduction to the concept of open science, after which we will focus on how to share articles and data. We will cover concepts such as preprint and parallel publishing and the role of peer review. - Using sources effectively and avoiding plagiarism )
A central aspect of academic communication is using sources in a clear and transparent way – a fact which is reflected in the doctoral education at KI. During this workshop, you will learn how to use sources effectively, in ways which will improve your academic writing and help you avoid plagiarising unintentionally.
- Pubmed – advanced features, MeSH and alternative interfaces
- Open Access – this is how it works
- Questionable publishers (also known as predatory publishers) – how to avoid them
Writing Science and Information Literacy (WSIL)
KIB offers the course Writing Science and Information Literacy for doctoral students at KI. The course, equivalent to 3 credit points, is given three times each term, two on campus and one online. The content of the course revolves around how to structure, write, format and publish scientific texts. Registration through the KI course catalogue.
Courses in systematic reviews
Karolinska Institutet offers doctoral courses in systematic reviews in which the search group teaches literature search methodology:
Workshops for Master's students
KIB offers an open workshop series on academic communication that is designed to help KI's Master's students get the most out of their studies. The workshops are offered on campus and / or as webinars. All workshops are held in English, but the workshop leaders also speak Swedish. You will find dates and times in the calendar.
Here are the workshops for Master's students that we usually offer:
- How to Successfully Study in Sweden
- Finding Scientific Resources
- Reading Complex Academic Texts
- Critical Thinking
- Academic Writing
- Managing References with EndNote Online or Zotero
- Writing Clear and Effective Sentences
- Giving Oral Presentations
- Writing a Research Plan
- Q&A about Writing a Master's Thesis
- Writing an Introduction
- Writing about Your Research for Non-Expert Readers
- Writing a Discussion
- Writing an Abstract
- Effective Peer Review
- How to Transform your Master's Thesis into a Publishable Article
- Using Sources Effectively and Avoiding Plagiarism
Contact us
Are you a teacher at a programme/course? You can order a course/workshop for your students. Please contact us, we are happy to tell you more about what the library offers.
Contact the library
You are welcome to contact us through phone, chat or email.
Opening hours chat & phone
If you would like us to get back to you, please submit your contact information in the form below along with your feeback.