Student IT
Student IT is a service available at the University Library. As a KI student you can get help with many IT-related issues connected to your studies at KI. We mainly help with your student account so that you can log in to different systems. Further information can be found at the page Computers & IT.

Student IT
If you have questions on IT related issues you can contact Student IT.
Phone & email
Mon - Fri:
Sat - Sun:
For example, Student IT may help you with questions regarding:
- The student account, for example if you have problems logging in to Canvas and Ladok. We can't help on how to use the programs or tools, in this case you have to ask your teacher. On the page My student account there is more information, including on how to change password.
- Wireless networks. For more information on setting up your computer and phone, see Wireless networks.
- KI Print, if you run into trouble printing. More info can be found at Printing & copying.
- Downloading SPSS. Ask your teacher on how to use the program.
- Downloading Office 365. Ask your teacher on how to use the programs.
- Providing computers and software in the examination halls.
Please note that there are limitations to what Student IT can and may do with your private computer, but we will try to help you much as possible.
If you would like us to get back to you, please submit your contact information in the form below along with your feeback.
Editor: University Library Web Team
Last updated: 2023-11-09