Databases & e-resources
Most popular:
Global Health
Global Health is an international abstracting and indexing database dedicated to public health.
KI only.
Google Dataset Search
Google Dataset Search is a search engine for datasets. Using a simple keyword search, users can discover datasets hosted in thousands of repositories across the Web.
Freely available
Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews. It supports reference/citation screening, full-text review, risk of bias assessment, extraction of study characteristics and outcomes, and the export of data and references.
KI only.
Visible Body Suite
Anatomical 3D models, cross sections, MRI images and 3D moving images of muscles and bones.
To use the resource you need to create a personal account. Visible Body Suite is available as a web app and also as downloadable apps for iOS (App Store) and Android (Google Play). Once you have logged in to your personal account for Visible Body Suite, you will find links to the mobile app for each device.
Endast KI.
Clinical Impact
clinical impact® is a citation database covering research cited in clinical guidelines. The purpose of the database is to provide insight and make it possible to explore the impact of research on clinical practice by examining citations in clinical guidelines and similar documents published in order to give decision making support for health care.
Select Karolinska Institutet SSO under the login box. In the next step - use your KI ID to log in to the resource.
KI only.
Swedish Institute for Standards (SIS)
SIS acts as project manager for Swedish efforts to develop standards. SIS strives to increase Sweden's influence on international collaboration and to ensure that best practices are shared and leveraged throughout Sweden.
All SIS' national and international standards are based on, developed through and quality-assured by the SIS standardization process. These standards are established within a broad range of industries and business sectors.
KI has subscriptions to a number of standards - please see the link to Swedish Institute for Standards to get information on which standards are available.
Select the “SIS SUBSCRIPTION” tab on the far right of the page.
If you need other standards than those included in the subscription - please submit a purchase proposal to the library.
KI only.
Read by QxMD
Literature updating service that quickly discovers, and provides access to, new research.
Content personalization is enabled in two ways:
- The service communicates with PubMed and new research is filtered based on selected keywords or journal titles and is then “pushed” to your device.
- Featured articles, identified by algorithms, are brought to your attention.
Freely available. It's free to sign up for the service/app, but to access paywalled articles you will need to state your KI credentials in the institutional access settings.
App version
The Read by QxMD app is available for download on App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).
App instructions
- Download the Read app to your smartphone or tablet.
- Choose Karolinska Institutet in the institutional access settings.
- Sign in with your KI credentials to access paywalled articles via the Karolinska Institutet University Library.
Svenska skrivregler
Svenska skrivregler (2017, fourth edition) from Svenska språkrådet contains rules and guidelines for writing texts in Swedish.
KI only.
Dictionaries by The Swedish Academy: SAOL, SO, SAOB (
Search three dictionaries by The Swedish Academy—SAOL, SO och SAOB—at once.
- Svenska Akademiens Ordlista (SAOL) from 2015 (14th edition) is considered the unofficial standard for spelling and inflection of modern Swedish words.
- Svensk ordbok, published by the Swedish Academy (SO) in 2021 (2nd edition), provides an in-depth description of the modern Swedish vocabulary. The focus is on the meaning of the words and how they are used, but you can also hear how they are pronounced.
- Svenska Akademiens ordbok (SAOB) is a historical dictionary and an important tool when reading older texts.
Freely available.
App version
SAOL and SO are also available as downloadable apps on App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).
Swedish MeSH
Swedish MeSH (Svensk MeSH) may be of help if you need to find or translate medical search terms from Swedish to English, and vice versa. Swedish MeSH is a translation of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), an English controlled vocabulary thesaurus produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, NLM.
Freely available.
Stedman's Medical Dictionary
Medical dictionary in English. Some entries are illustrated.
KI only.
Oxford Reference
English encyclopedia and dictionary.
KI only.
Terms of use:
- Print: yes
- Download: No
- Format: HTML
Oxford Dictionary (Lexico)
English dictionary and thesaurus. Also contains articles about grammar and quizzes.
The author for definitions, example sentences, and thesaurus content is Oxford University Press (OUP).
Freely available.
NE Dictionaries
Dictionary that supports translation between Swedish and several different languages, including special lexicons such as a Swedish <> English Medical Dictionary and a Swedish <> English Technical Dictionary.
Among others, it contains the following dictionaries:
- Swedish dictionary
- Swedish synonyms
- Swedish <> Arabic
- Swedish <> Danish
- Swedish <> English
- Swedish <> French
- Swedish <> German
- Swedish <> Italian
- Swedish <> Norwegian
- Swedish <> Portuguese
- Swedish <> Russian
- Swedish <> Spanish
KI only.
Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Provides information on key topics and philosophers in all areas of academic philosophy.
Freely available.
Britannica Academic (Encyclopedia Britannica)
General knowledge English-language encyclopedia founded in the 18th century. Contains articles, images, videos and biographies.
KI only.
App version
Also available as downloadable app on App Store (iOS).
App instructions
Download the app and access it automatically if you are connected to KI's wireless network.
CIA World Factbook
Basic intelligence on the history, people, government, economy, geography, international relations, etc, of all the countries in the world.
Freely available.
Världens länder - NE
Facts about countries world wide, maps, flags and more (in Swedish only).
KI only.
Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR)
The Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (SKR) provides Swedish city and regional statistics (in Swedish only).
Freely available.
Articles in Swedish, Norwegian and Danish in medicine, dentistry, health care, nursing, physiotherapy and occupational therapy. Searchable with Swedish or English MeSH-terms. Hosted by the University Library at Karolinska Institutet. Please note that, as of January 2020, the database is no longer updated.
Freely available.
Statistical databases from the National Board of Health and Welfare
The National Board of Health and Welfare in Sweden (Socialstyrelsen) publishes statistics in the areas of health and medical care and social services. Mostly in Swedish, but via this link you'll find those of their statistical databases that are available in English. You can make your own tables, diagrams and maps.
Freely available.
Social Services Abstracts
References to articles in social work, human services and related areas, including social welfare, social policy and community development.
KI only.
SGC Reagents & Resources
The Structural Genomics Consortium (SGC) is a public-private partnership between academia and pharmaceutical companies that supports the discovery of new medicines through open source research. All data are made publicly available. Reagents are available either directly from SGC or from their commercial partners. The outputs from the consortium include proteins, crystal structures, chemical tool compounds and antibodies.
KI is one of the members of SGC, and activities here are focused on generation of antibodies and translational medical research.
Freely available.
CAS SciFinder-n
References, substances and reactions in chemistry and related sciences. International patent information in chemistry, biochemistry and chemical engineering.
KI only.
New users will first have to register for an account with their KI e‑mail address.
Statistics Sweden's statistical database
Statistics from Statistics Sweden (SCB) and several other Swedish government agencies.
Freely available.
SAGE Video - Counseling & Psychotherapy
Streaming psychotherapy videos in clinical training and education.
KI only.
APA PsycTherapy, produced by the American Psychological Association, is a streaming service containing over 500 psychotherapy demonstration videos. PsycTherapy is intended for educational purposes.
KI only.
The APA PsycArticles database contains full-text articles from more than 100 journals within behavioral science and related fields, published by the American Psychological Association, the Canadian Psychological Association, Hogrefe Publishing Group and the Educational Publishing Foundation from 1894 and onwards.
KI only.
PTSDpubs, formerly known as PILOTS, contains international literature on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other psychological effects of trauma. Coverage from 1871 and onwards.
KI only.
Evidence-based physiotherapy. Randomised trials, systematic reviews and guidelines evaluating physiotherapy interventions.
Freely available.
Natural Medicines
Dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary alternative and integrative therapies.
KI only.
National clinical knowledge support system
Clinical knowledge support system jointly developed by the Swedish regions. Contains national and regional recommendations (in Swedish only) regarding the diagnostics, treatment and follow up of a wide range of diseases. The development of the website is ongoing.
Freely available.
Medorg - Bibliography of the Swedish history of medicine
References to articles and government documents related to the Swedish health care system. The database covers the period 1663-1967.
Freely available.
Sociological Abstracts
International literature of sociology, social work, and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences.
KI only.
ERIC (ProQuest)
References to literature in education, leadership and management from 1966 and onwards. Some full text freely available. Links to subcribed content for KI users.
KI only.
Information on 300 000 periodicals of all types: academic and scholarly journals and e-journals with table of contents, popular magazines, newspapers, newsletters and more.
KI only.
APA PsycInfo contains references with abstracts to peer-reviewed literature in psychology and related fields such as psychiatry, medicine, physiology, sociology and linguistics from 1806 and onward.
KI only.
References to journal articles within science with focus on biomedicine, from 1946 to present. MEDLINE is the premier bibliographic database of the NLM (National Library of Medicine) and the primary subset of PubMed.
Latin American and Caribbean health information. Journals, books, congresses and conferences annals, scientific and technical reports in Spanish and Portuguese.
Freely available.
Union catalogue for Swedish research libraries and many public libraries. Books, journals and electronic resources.
Freely available.
Library, Information Science & Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
Librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management and more. Journals, books, research reports and proceedings.
KI ony.
KI Publications
KI Publications is based on the Karolinska Institutet bibliometric database and contains scientific articles from 1995 and onwards from Web of Science and/or Medline that have at least one author linked to Karolinska Institutet and/or Region Stockholm. Recently published articles can also be found in Recent KI Publications which is updated weekly.
Freely available.
KI Open Archive
KI Open Archive is KI’s institutional repository for dissertations, theses and self-archived articles published at Karolinska Institutet.
Freely available.
JoVE Science Education
Educational videos covering for example biology, chemistry and psychology. See which subject areas KI has access to.
KI only.
JoVE (Journal of Visualized Experiments)
Scientific video journals covering for example biology, biochemistry, immunology and medicine. See which subject areas KI has access to.
KI only.
IRIS: Institutional Repository for Information Sharing (WHO)
Online access to digitized publications from WHO.
Freely available.
Journal Citation Reports (JCR)
Impact factors and publishing trends for scientific journals.
KI only.
Henry Stewart Talks: Biomedical & Life Sciences Collection
Audiovisual presentations within the subjects of medicine, internal medicine, biochemistry, pharmacology, biotechnology, and drugs and their actions.
KI only.
Global Index Medicus (WHO)
The Global Index Medicus complements and provides an extended perspective to databases such as PubMed. It is produced by and within low- and middle-income countries. The WHO regional offices make biomedical and public health literature available from Africa (AFRO), Americas (AMRO/PAHO), Eastern Mediterranean (EMRO), Europe (EURO), South-East Asia (SEARO) and Western Pacific (WPRO). In addition to the general value of revealing this content to a wider audience, it is also important for the creation of systematic reviews.
Freely available.
Public Health Agency of Sweden
Public health statistics and data (in Swedish only).
Freely available.
Face of AIDS
The Face of AIDS Film Archive is an online film archive consisting of almost 700 hours of documentary film material about the global HIV and AIDS epidemic.
Partly open. Full access by application.
Essential Science Indicators
Statistics and data about academic publishing. Provides information about trends and the impact of publications, countries, institutions and individuals. Based on citation data from Web of Science.
KI only.
ERIC (free version)
References to literature in education, leadership and management from 1966 and onwards. Some full text freely available.
Freely available.
Dissertations and Theses (The Sciences and Engineering Collection)
International collection of abstracts to dissertations and theses in for example medicine, psychology, chemistry and physics. Some full text freely available.
KI only.
Multidisciplinary database with references to articles, book chapters, conference proceedings and monographs. The database includes altmetrics data and citation analysis. Many of the articles are available as open access.
Freely available.
Cortellis Drug Discovery Intelligence
Biological, chemical and pharmacological data. Overviews of diseases, treatments & trends. Drug pipelines, patents, literature & conferences.
KI only.
Two concurrent users.
Since we have a limit of two concurrent users, please make sure you log out from Cortellis Drug Discovery Intelligence by following the steps below, rather than just closing the browser window:
1. Click on your name in the top right corner.
2. Click on “Sign out”.
If you just close the browser window, the system will recognize your session active for another 30 minutes, and no one, including you, will be able to take that one seat for the mentioned period.
Cochrane Library
Cochrane Systematic Reviews, clinical trials (Cochrane Trials), other reviews (DARE), methods studies (Cochrane Methodology Register), Health Technological Assessment Database and NHS Economic Evaluations Database.
KI only.
Google Scholar
A search engine for journals that are peer reviewed, essays, books and articles within the scholarly world of universities, publishers and scientific organisations within different subject areas. Google Scholar does not have its own subject heading list, therefore you do free text searches. Unlike the bibliographic databases, with Google Scholar you search in entire articles, not just title and abstract.
If you get the error message ERROR for site owner: Invalid domain for site key when going to Google Scholar, you can go to Google Scholar without going through the library's proxy server and add KI as your institution in Google Scholar to get Get it! links next to search results.
Freely available.
Cabell's Predatory Reports
Cabell's Predatory Reports (formerly known as Cabell's blacklist) helps researchers identify questionable journals. Scientific journals are systematically evaluated on the basis of a number of criteria.
KI only.
BrowZine gives you access to approximately 10 000 subscribed journals. Browse journal titles, read offline and collect favourite titles in your personal book shelf.
KI only.
App version
Also available for download to iOS and Android devices.
App instructions
- Download BrowZine to your smartphone or tablet.
- Choose Karolinska Institutet under "Choose Library".
- Sign in with your KI credentials.
Web of Science
Multidisciplinary database with citation indexes covering sciences, social sciences, medicine and technology.
KI only.
Contains the entire Nationalencyklopedin in full text, including the National Encyclopedia Dictionary and Atlas.
KI only.
The largest medical database with references to journal articles in medicine, nursing and odontology from the 1940s and onwards. Also includes biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioural sciences, chemical sciences and bioengineering.
KI only.
Searching this database is free for everyone via, but to access KI's electronic journal subscriptions you need to sign in with your KI account. If you do not have a KI account, you may access subscribed content by visiting PubMed on the computers available in the physical library.
CINAHL contains references to articles in journals, books and dissertations in nursing, occupational therapy, physiotherapy and medicine.
KI only.
A resource containing medical textbooks (e.g. Harrison’s Principles of Internal medicine and Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment), procedural videos, images, a selection of cases, a drug database and study tools.
KI only.
Britannica ImageQuest
Rights-cleared images (free to use for educational purposes in reports, papers and PPT presentations).
KI only.