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Search & evaluate

The library maintains and makes available information on a wide range of scientific topics pertinent to your studies at KI. Here you will find printed books, but above all a large selection of databases, journals and other e-resources. We are happy to help you find and evaluate information.

Searching for information
Searching for information
Student studying at a table.

Searching for information

Being able to search for information is an important skill to have, both for your studies and for your future professional life. Searching for information can be described as a step-by-step process: formulating a search query, choosing keywords, selecting sources, evaluating your sources, and in some cases, reporting your search.

Evaluating information

Evaluating information

Information is available in many different kinds of sources and different sources are suitable for different purposes. If you want to quickly find facts about a topic you know nothing about before, Wikipedia and other encyclopedias work well.

Systematic reviews

Systematic reviews

“I intend to conduct a systematic review.” This is something we hear at KIB more and more often. Yet what exactly is a systematic review? How does it differ from other reviews? And how do you search the literature systematically?

Search requests for researchers

Search requests for researchers

Are you going to conduct a systematic review and need help searching for literature? Do you want to make sure that you do not miss relevant articles in your subject area? In that case, contact the search request service at the University Library.



The library gives you access to course literature, scientific journal articles, databases and books. Most of our material is available online. We also provide other services that may be helpful for your studies and your research.


Support in information searching

Are you looking for scientific articles or writing references and need advice? You can get help from our librarians. We offer both drop-in via Zoom and booked consultations.

Opening hours booked & drop-in support in Zoom

Closed during the summer 3 June-25 August

Search requests for researchers

If you are a researcher and need help with literature searches, for example in a systematic review, please contact the search group.