Teaching information skills to students
In order to complete their education, KI students need to be able to search, evaluate and use information. These are also skills they will need in their working lives. At KI, all students must achieve the goals set out in Criteria for information skills (in Swedish only). KIB's consultations and teaching in information literacy supports this goal.
The library's digital resources
The University Library website contains material on searching for and evaluating information, scientific publishing, writing and referencing, as well as guides to EndNote and reference guides to APA and Vancouver.
The library also offers Canvas courses and web resources:
- An online course in basic information retrieval: Basic information retrieval and reference management (in Swedish). This course is open to everyone.
- An online course in information retrieval and reference management: Save Time: optimize how you search and organize references - Information Literacy for KI Master Students. Some parts of the course require login in Canvas.
- Structured literature reviews – A guide for students
Guidance and consultations
Students can receive individual guidance in information retrieval and reference management from our librarians. In our drop-in service, you can ask shorter questions while we go more in depth in a booked consultation.
We develop our teaching based on course guidelines and in dialogue with KI's teachers about student needs. We want our teaching to be integrated into course syllabi, clearly linked to a concrete task, and scaffolded so the student can continue to build on what they've learned later on in their education.
The aim of our teaching is to give students tools to develop into independent and critical seekers of information, or in other words, to develop information literacy skills. We also want to increase the use of qualified academic material in students' work.
- To use search strategies, i.e. find relevant keywords and use different search techniques.
- To understand different types of sources, scientific or popular science, paid resources or open
- To use different search services.
- To evaluate search results in a hit list: too many or too few hits, irrelevant hits.
- To be able to reference correctly
Content and goals of KIB's teaching are based on Criteria for information skills.
Basic package
KIB offers a basic package for all programmes in which we support students in becoming independent and critical seekers of information. The package includes 6 hours per program. We also offer online educational material for self-study. Any teaching provided in addition to the basic package is invoiced.
Starting in 2022, the basic package will consist of 4 hours of instruction.
Questions about the library offers
If you are a teacher and would like us to teach in your course, please contact us and we will be happy to tell you more about what the library offers.

Contact the library
You are welcome to contact us through phone, chat or email.
Opening hours chat & phone
If you would like us to get back to you, please submit your contact information in the form below along with your feeback.