Publish and share your research data - learn more at the library's workshops!
Do you need to know more about how to publish or share research data? The Data Access Unit (DAU) at the library offers tailor-made workshops on the subject for KI's research groups and departments. A number of fixed, digital opportunities per semester are also offered for researchers and doctoral students to register for. All workshops are held in English.
Expectations of publishing and making research data available are rising. The situation with COVID-19 has accelerated the process. Both publishers and funders request that the underlying data can be referred when your article is published. Even when your manuscript undergoes peer review, the underlying data may be requested.
In the library's workshops you will learn more about how you can proceed when it comes to requirements for open publishing of research data and what you need to think about when it comes to sensitive research data that contains personal data.
KIB can also hold tailor-made workshops, order a workshop "on demand".

Data Access Unit
Data Access Unit på universitetsbiblioteket hjälper dig med tillgängliggörande och publicering av forskningsdata. Vi är en del av Research Data Office (RDO) på KI.
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