Top 3 data publications in the KI Data Repository – publish your data via the university library's Data Access Unit!
There is a major ongoing project at KI aiming to create both secure storage and make available research data from KI in the future. This applies both to research data that can be published completely openly and also to research data that contains data worthy of protection that can primarily be shared only with metadata.
The open publication of research data and metadata is already performed in a smaller scale in KI Data Repository via the metadata catalogue DORIS.
- ACROBAT – a multi-stain breast cancer histological whole-slide-image data set from routine diagnostics for computational pathology.
- CSAW-CC (mammography) – a dataset for AI research to improve screening, diagnostics and prognostics of breast cancer.
- SNAC – Swedish National study on Aging and Care.
There is a deeper description of the dataset CSAW-CC in the article Mammography image dataset useful for researchers around the world.
Do you also want to make available – publish or share your projects research data? Contact us in the Data Access Unit at the university library and we will help you out!

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