Summer in the library!

Published: 2023-05-24

Summer is here! During the summer KIB has longer loan periods on books. There are some limitations to the library services due to reduced staffing during high summer.  

Summer time at the library.
Remember we have other books than just course literature. Happy reading! 📚🍦

Summer opening hours 

Starting 3 June the library will apply summer opening hours. Please see Opening hours during the year for more detailed information. 

The library will only offer extended opening hours 3 June–25 August for KI affiliated. KI students and employee can make reservations during the whole summer but the delivery time between campuses might be a bit longer than usual.  

If you are not a KI student or employee you cannot use the library during the summer, or make reservations 3 June–25 August. 

KIB is open through digital channels during the whole summer. Contact us through phone, e-mail and chat weekdays 10:00–13:00 (except for a few days in June, please see Opening hours during the year for more detailed information).  

During summer it can take a bit longer than normal to get help with certain matters due to lower staffing levels.  

Booked appointments are closed during summer as is our drop in support in zoom. During the period 3 June–25 August you are welcome to contact the library by email, chat or phone and we will try to help you. 

Summer loan on books

All books borrowed on 31 May and onwards are to be returned on 21 August, both course books (7 day loan) and specialist books (21 day loan). 

Remember that you can check the return date of your books on My loans

We at KIB wish you a Happy summer! 

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