Latest news
Changes to the library’s e-resources in 2025
Starting January 1, 2025, we are updating our e-resources. Below, you will find a summary of the new resources, changes to existing ones, and cancelled subscriptions.
The library launches KIB Talks!
Our open events (including the workshop series for researchers and doctoral students) have become more and more presentation or webinar orientated, shorter or longer sessions, with or without Q&A. Under the heading KIB Talks, we have gathered our wide range of workshops, presentations, Q&As, etc. in our various areas of expertise.
A workplace for the future - KIB invests in the hybrid way of working
In the wake of the pandemic, KIB has invested in creating a work environment that both reflects and strengthens the hybrid way of working. With a focus on innovation and collaboration, the premises have been designed to combine thoughtful design, functionality and modern technology. The aim has been to create a workplace that inspires collaboration, focus and creativity, while maximising usability.
A whole Christmas holiday of reading!
Christmas is almost here and that means extended loan periods for library books. Borrow course books to do some studying over the holidays or why not borrow some fiction from our special collections and read for pleasure. Our special collections have been restocked with new titles, so don’t miss out.
Christmas & New Year's at the library
During the holidays, KIB has changed opening hours and services.
Survey on Search Service for KI’s Research Information
A new search service for KI RIMS is currently being developed with the aim of making research information in the system easily accessible, promoting collaboration and increase the visibility of researchers.
Change to the library’s range of remote access tools
KIB has cancelled the subscription to the browser extension Lean Library Access as of November 1, 2024.
We will continue to offer LibKey Nomad, and information about it can be found on the Remote Access page.
Karolinska Institutet now has access to the Covidence screening tool
Covidence is a web-based software platform that streamlines the production of systematic reviews. It supports reference/citation screening, full-text review, risk of bias assessment, extraction of study characteristics and outcomes, and the export of data and references.
New publication agreement with Rockefeller University Press
As of June 1st, KI researchers can publish with prepaid open access in Rockefeller University Press’ three own journals.
New publishing agreements with JMIR Publications, eLife and Copernicus!
From April 1, 2024, (eLife and Copernicus) and June 1 (JMIR) researchers at KI can publish articles open access without having to pay a publication fee in all journals from the publishers JMIR, eLife and Copernicus. The agreements are financed by the Swedish Research Council, Forte, Formas and Vinnova.