New MeSH terms for 2023 now searchable in Swedish MeSH
Each year the MeSH vocabulary is updated with a number of new terms, in 2023, 260 terms were added. These are now translated to Swedish and searchable in Svensk MeSH (Swedish MeSH).
MeSH, which stands for Medical Subject Headings, is a vocabulary of medical terms used to index and search for articles in the PubMed database. MeSH is produced and developed by the National Library of Medicine in the United States. Each year the MeSH vocabulary is expanded and now contains over 30,000 terms.
The new MeSH terms are translated each year by librarians at KIB and then become searchable in Swedish MeSH. However, terms that do not have an accepted Swedish equivalent are not translated.
Many of the topics covered by the MeSH terms have previously appeared in PubMed. In the MeSH Database, under "Previous Indexing", you can see how a topic has previously been indexed.
The new terms reflect a variety of subject areas. For example, many new terms have been introduced to describe different population groups.
If you are missing a MeSH term, you can submit your own suggestions on the following page:
If you have any comments or questions about the translation, please contact the library at
A selection of new MeSH terms 2023
MeSH-term | Swedish translation |
Evidence Gaps | Vetenskapliga kunskapsluckor |
Dust Mite Allergy | Kvalsterallergi |
Antiracism | Antirasism |
Rapid Diagnostic Tests | Snabbtest |
Suicide Prevention | Suicidprevention |
Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome | Postakut Covid-19 syndrom |
Post-Infectious Disorders | Postinfektiösa tillstånd |
Obesity Paradox | Fetmaparadoxen |
Value-Based Health Care | Värdebaserad vård |
Residential Segregation | Boendesegregation |
Olfactory Training | Luktträning |
Multiomics | Multiomik |
Central African People | Centralafrikaner |
Working Conditions | Arbetsförhållanden |
Aneurysm, Ascending Aorta | Aorta ascendens aneurysm |
Clinical Relevance | Klinisk relevans |
Breakthrough Infections | Genombrottsinfektion |
Ocean Acidification | Havsförsurning |
Microphysiological Systems | Mikrofysiologiska system |
Obstetricians | Obstetriker |
Food, Processed | Processad mat |
Extended Family | Utvidgad familj |
Swedish MeSH
Swedish MeSH (Svensk MeSH) may be of help if you need to find or translate medical search terms from Swedish to English, and vice versa. Swedish MeSH is a translation of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), an English controlled vocabulary thesaurus produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, NLM.
Freely available.

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