Dictionaries by The Swedish Academy: SAOL, SO, SAOB (svenska.se)
Search three dictionaries by The Swedish Academy—SAOL, SO och SAOB—at once.
- Svenska Akademiens Ordlista (SAOL) from 2015 (14th edition) is considered the unofficial standard for spelling and inflection of modern Swedish words.
- Svensk ordbok, published by the Swedish Academy (SO) in 2021 (2nd edition), provides an in-depth description of the modern Swedish vocabulary. The focus is on the meaning of the words and how they are used, but you can also hear how they are pronounced.
- Svenska Akademiens ordbok (SAOB) is a historical dictionary and an important tool when reading older texts.
Freely available.
App version
SAOL and SO are also available as downloadable apps on App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).