The new MeSH-terms of 2022 are now translated

Published: 2022-03-14

Each year the MeSH vocabulary is updated with new headings. In 2022, 277 new terms were added. These are now translated to Swedish and searchable in Svensk MeSH (Swedish MeSH).

MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) is a list of terms that are used for indexing and searching in, amongst others, the database PubMed. MeSH is produced and developed by National Library of Medicine in the United States.

Svensk MeSH is a translation of these terms, updated on an annual basis by some of the librarians here at KI Library. Each year a number of new MeSH headings are added, and the vocabulary now contains over 30.000 terms.

Not all new terms are translated into Swedish, only those who have an established Swedish equivalent are. Many of the topics covered by the terms have appeared before in PubMed, but the new term is usually more specific or complete. If you wish to see how terms have been indexed earlier, you can check Previous indexing in MeSH Database.

The new terms describe several different topics, for example:

  • Several terms on vaccines against Covid-19
  • NLM highlights terms associated with social determinants of health
  • Narrower terms that describes various populations more specifically.

You can submit suggestions for MeSH terms on the following page:

A selection of new MeSH-terms 2022

MeSH-term Swedish translation
Child Poverty Barnfattigdom
Economic Stability Ekonomisk stabilitet
Health Inequities    Ojämlikhet i hälsa
Neighborhood Characteristics Bostadsområdets egenskaper
Perceived Discrimination Upplevd diskriminering
Social Vulnerability Social sårbarhet
Systemic Racism Strukturell rasism
Vaccination Hesitancy Vaccinationstveksamhet
Vaccine Development Vaccinutveckling
Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions Undvikbar slutenvård
Aquatic Therapy Vattenträning
Exergaming Exergaming
Gamification Spelifiering
Nordic Walking Stavgång
Bias, Implicit Implicit bias
Disinformation Desinformation
Infodemic Infodemi
Predatory journals as Topic Oseriösa tidskrifter som ämne
Adolescent Fathers Tonårsfäder
Adolescent Mothers Tonårsmödrar
Centenarians Hundraåringar
Citizenship Medborgarskap


Swedish MeSH

Swedish MeSH (Svensk MeSH) may be of help if you need to find or translate medical search terms from Swedish to English, and vice versa. Swedish MeSH is a translation of MeSH (Medical Subject Headings), an English controlled vocabulary thesaurus produced by the U.S. National Library of Medicine, NLM.

Two women sitting in front of a laptop.

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