Tips for Microsoft Word
As a student or researcher at KI, the Microsoft Word software will most likely be your word processor of choice. You might use it for a short thesis, your dissertation or for scientific articles. In either case, it's good to learn more about the Word software to enhance your writing process.
Microsoft Word is one part of the Office suite, which also includes e.g. Excel and PowerPoint. The Office suite exists in many versions. The library computers are equipped with the Office 2010 version, but you might of course have an other version installed on your own computer.
There are also specific Word versions for Mac. The latest version is Word for Mac 2019; the previous was Word for Mac 2016.
On Wikipedia, you'll find a complete list of all different versions.
Page numbers

Start the page numbering on (for example) page 3 in Word
In more formal texts, such as essays, it is common for the page numbering to begin on the page where the body text begins, such as an introduction or background. On the title and table of contents page, you then choose to exclude page numbers – unfortunately a bit difficult to do in Word.
The library staff does not provide support in how to use Word, please see the resources and tutorials available in the "Learn more" box below.
Are you a doctoral student? Read more about support regarding KI's Word template for doctoral and licentiate theses.
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