KI-driven journal on Publicera, the national platform for open access Swedish scientific journals
I would like to recommend Acta Logopaedica, a newly launched open access journal in speech therapy-related fields. The editor-in-chief and several members of the editorial board are from CLINTEC at KI. It is available on the National Library’s platform, Publicera.
We asked the editor-in-chief, Christina Samuelsson, professor at CLINTEC/Speech Therapy, three questions.
Why did you want to start the journal?
In the subject representative group in speech therapy in Sweden, we have talked about starting a national journal in speech therapy for a long time, because a lot of speech therapy research is done in Sweden, and it is sometimes difficult to publish, for example, normative data for Swedish conditions in international journals. When Publicera was established, we saw it as a good incentive to establish the journal.
Why did you want it to be open access?
We believe open access is very important as we strive for opportunities for both clinicians and patients to access the research published in Acta Logopaedica.
What are the benefits of
Publicera works very well, the editorial administration with the review of contributions, etc., is very simple, the support is very accessible, and all contacts with those who work with Publicera have been very positive.
The journal’s focus is described on Publicera as follows [our translation]:
Acta Logopaedica is a journal in speech therapy-related fields with the aim of covering both clinical studies on speech therapy diagnoses, such as voice disorder, developmental language disorder, dysphagia, dysarthria, aphasia, dementia, dyslexia, dyscalculia, as well as normative and reference data in relevant areas. The journal contains scientific studies based on various theoretical perspectives and encompasses different research methods.
The articles of the journal are searchable in the search box on the library’s homepage.

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