The FAIR principles

According to KI's open access policy, publications must, whenever possible, comply with the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles. The FAIR principles were originally designed for research data, but have also begun to be applied to publications. The National Library has developed several criteria that must be met in order for publications to be considered FAIR.

Grafik som illustrerar FAIR-principerna

What do I as a researcher need to consider?


"If the researcher has an ORCID, it should be stated in the publication and associated metadata in a standardized manner."

As a researcher, you should consider registering a researcher ID, a so-called ORCID. ORCID (Open Researcher & Contributor ID) is an international register of unique researcher ID's, the main aim of which is to solve the problem of researchers with the same/similar names by giving a unique identifier to researchers throughout the entire world. ORCID has been created at the instigation of universities, funding bodies and publishers/journals and, in the long-term, be used both for applications and publications. More about ORCID and how to get one.


"Licence information should be provided in the publication and associated metadata in a standardized manner."

If you have published an article under an open licence, this should be clearly visible in a standardized way in the publication. It is the journal's responsibility to ensure that this is met, but as a researcher you should be aware of this requirement. Principle 2 in the open access policy describes open licenses and what you as a researcher should think about when choosing a licence. Read more about open licences.

What are the other criteria for the FAIR principles?

In addition to the principles above, The National Library has developed a number of criteria for when the FAIR principles for publications should be considered as fulfilled. The responsibility to fulfill most of these principles falls on the university's support functions, mainly by providing an infrastructure that contributes to research publications being searchable, accessible, compatible and reusable.

Read more about the National Library's criteria for FAIR principles for publications (only in Swedish).

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Last updated: 2024-02-02