Workshop: Searching the literature for your half-time review, thesis or next publication

This is a basic level workshop. The idea is to provide you with dedicated time and support from search experts at the library when doing individual searches for the literature review that will form a part of your half-time review, thesis summary or your next publication.

Registration closed 2022-04-12 Sign up here

In addition to a short introduction to different databases, you will be given time to focus on your own searches.  

This workshop is for doctoral students and researchers at KI. It is held in English but we also speak Swedish.

The workshop is free but you need to register.

Please note

To maintain the best possible quality of our workshops, we have a limited number of participants – please make sure you unsubscribe if you can't make it! Your registration is handled in our booking system where you also unsubscribe.

Contact person

Anja Vikingson