Referencing guide for Vancouver
This guide gives you information on how to format references in the Vancouver referencing style. The references are numbered sequentially, following the order in which they first appear in the text. The bibliography should be placed at the end of the document, be arranged numerically and contain all necessary bibliographic information.
The guide is primarily intended for students at Karolinska Institutet. The references should be considered as recommendations based on International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) Sample References and Citing Medicine and in some cases with the support of Swedish cataloging rules for libraries. When in doubt, double check with official manuals. You might also need to discuss with your supervisor or teacher at KI before submitting your thesis or assignment.
Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC. Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.
Lorig K. Patient education: A practical approach. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications; 2000.
Crossman AR, Neary D. Neuroanatomy: An illustrated colour text. 4th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone; 2010.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Information about the edition shall be stated if you use any other edition than the first one. If there is no information about the edition of your source, you can assume that it is the first edition.Use the abbreviation “ed.”
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC, Surname DD, Surname EE, Surname FF, et al. Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.
Doornbos MM, Groenhout ER, Hotz GK, Brandsen C, Cusveller B, Flikkema M, et al. Transforming care: a Christian vision of nursing practice. Grand Rapids, Michigan: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company; 2005.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
Mer information
- The first six authors are mentioned, followed by “et al.”
- Information about the edition shall be stated if you use any other edition than the first one. If there is no information about the edition of your source, you can assume that it is the first edition. Use the abbreviation “ed.”
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA , Surname BB, editor(s). Title. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.
Pryor JA, Ammani Prasad S, editors. Physiotherapy for respiratory and cardiac problems: adults and paediatrics. 4th ed. Edinburgh: Elsevier/Churchill Livingstone; 2008.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Editor(s) is noted after the names
- Up to six editors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six editors, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”
- Information about the edition shall be stated if you use any other edition than the first one. If there is no information about the edition of your source, you can assume that it is the first edition. Use the abbreviation “ed.”
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Author of chapter’s Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC. Title of chapter. In: Editor(s) Surname AA, editor(s). Title of book. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. p. xx-x.
Spatz D. The use of human milk and breastfeeding in the neonatal intensive care unit. In: Wamback K & Riordan J, editors. Breastfeeding and human lactation. 5th ed. Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2014. p. 469-522.
Skoog T. Adolescent and adult implications of girls' pubertal timing. In: Andershed A-K, editor. Girls at risk: Swedish longitudinal research on adjustment.New York, Heidelberg, Dordrecht, London: Springer; 2012. p. 9-34.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six authors or editors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”
- Editor(s) is noted after the editors names
- Information about the edition shall be stated if you use any other edition than the first one. If there is no information about the edition of your source, you can assume that it is the first edition. Use the abbreviation “ed.”
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- State the chapter's first and last page. Omit the numbers that the first and the last page have in common, for example 12-8 instead of 12-18
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA. Title. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Number of chapter, Title of chapter; p. x..
Moody HR. Aging. Concepts and controversies. (6th ed.) Los Angeles: Pine Forge Press; 2010. Basic Concepts I, A life course perspective on aging; p. 1-26.
Steketee G, Frost RO. Treatment for hoarding disorder. Therapist guide [Internet]. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2014. Chapter 2, Evidence-based treatment for hoarding disorder; p. 13-22. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- The reference is constructed in the same way as the reference to the entire book, followed by information about the chapter
- For more information on how to format references to books and report, see these reference types
- Use the same name and number for the chapter as in the source. If a number is lacking, omit this information
- State the chapter's first and last page. Omit the numbers that the first and the last page have in common, for example 12-8 instead of 12-18. If page numbers are lacking, omit this information
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Author of contribution’s Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC. Title of contribution. In: Editor(s) Surname AA, editor(s). Title of proceedings. Title of conference. Date of conference; Place of conference. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. p. xx-x.
Haglund L, Hanson UC. Making yourself indispensable: Experiences from 25 years of networking. In: Bakker S, editor. Health Information Management: What Strategies? Proceedings of the 5th European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries. September 18-21, 1996; Coimbra, Portugal. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers; 1997. p. 45-8.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six authors or editors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”
- Conference contributions can also be published as articles in journals; in such cases, follow the template for journal articles
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- State the conference contribution's first and last page. Omit the numbers that the first and the last page have in common, for example 12-8 instead of 12-18
- If the material comes from an electronic source, state [Internet] after the title and state [cited date] “Available from: current URL” at the end of the reference
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC. Title [Internet]. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication. [cited date]. Available from: URL
Fromm HJ, Hargrove M. Essentials of Biochemistry [Internet]. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg; 2012. [cited 2014 Jan 17] Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six authors or editors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Author’s surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC. Title. Edition. Translator’s surname AA, translator. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication.
Foucault M. Madness: The invention of an idea. Sheridan A, translator. New York: Harper Perennial Modern Thought; 2011.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six authors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six authors, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”.
- Information regarding the title, edition, publisher, and place of publication should apply to the translation (not the original)
- Information about the translator is not mandatory and can be omitted
- Information about the edition shall be stated if you use any other edition than the first one. If there is no information about the edition of your source, you can assume that it is the first edition. Use the abbreviation “ed.”
- If there is no information regarding publication year, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC. Title of book. Place of publication: Publisher. Forthcoming Planned publication year.
Fleischman AR. Pediatric Ethics. Protecting the Interests of Children. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Forthcoming 2016.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Unpublished material is normally only cited in the text, and not included in the reference list
- If a book has been accepted for publication it may be included in the reference list even if it has not been published yet. State Forthcoming and planned publication year (if known) in the end of the reference
- Please see the examples for books to find more information about how to refer to books with more than six authors or edited books.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC, Surname DD, Surname EE, Surname FF. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Year;volume(issue):pages xx-x.
Müllersdorf M, Ivarsson A. Use of creative activities in occupational therapy practice in Sweden. Occup Ther Int. 2012 Sep;19(3):127-34.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- The same template applies to printed and electronic journals
- Use the abbreviated title of the journal in accordance with PubMed
- Sometimes, the day and month are stated in PubMed in connection to years (for example Dec 25) and then this should be stated in the reference
- State the article's first and last page. Omit the numbers that the first and the last page have in common, for example 12-8 instead of 12-18
- If information is missing, for example regarding issue or page numbers, this information is omitted from your reference
- You can chose to add a unique number from the database that the references is collected from, for example the PMID number in PubMed – you add the following after the page number: PubMed: PMID: 22489029
- It is also possible to add a DOI number in the same way as the PMID number, i.e., at the end of the reference: DOI: 10.1002/oti.1327. If an electronic article does not have a DOI-number, the web address and the date on which the article was cited can be added instead:
- Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC, Surname DD, Surname EE, Surname FF. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Year;volume(issue):pages xx-x. Available from: URL
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC, Surname DD, Surname EE, Surname FF, et al. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Year;volume(issue):pages xx-x
Walsh JP, Ward LC, Burke V, Bhagat CI, Shiels L, Henley D, et al. Small changes in thyroxine dosage do not produce measurable changes in hypothyroid symptoms, well-being, or quality of life: results of a double-blind, randomized clinical trial. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2006 Jul;91(7):2624-30.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- The same template applies to printed and electronic journals
- The first six authors are mentioned, followed by “et al.”
- Use the abbreviated title of the journal in accordance with PubMed
- Sometimes, the day and month are stated in PubMed in connection to years (for example Dec 25) and then this should be stated in the reference
- State the article's first and last page. Omit the numbers that the first and the last page have in common, for example 12-8 instead of 12 -18
- If information is missing, for example regarding issue or page numbers, this information is omitted from your reference
- You can chose to add a unique number from the database that the references is collected from, for example the PMID number in PubMed – you add the following after the page number: PubMed: PMID: 22489029
- It is also possible to add a DOI number in the same way as the PMID number, i.e., at the end of the reference: DOI: 10.1002/oti.1327. If an electronic article does not have a DOI-number, the web address and the date on which the article was cited can be added instead:
- Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC, Surname DD, Surname EE, Surname FF, et al. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Year;volume(issue):pages xx-x. Available from: URL
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC, Surname DD, Surname EE, Surname FF. Title of article. Abbreviated title of journal. Forthcoming Planned publication year.
Fasano A. Importance of response time of esophageal thermal probes. Heart Rhythm. Forthcoming 2016.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Unpublished material is normally only cited in the text, and not included in the reference list
- If an article has been accepted for publication it may be included in the reference list even if it has not been published yet, State Forthcoming and planned publication year (if known) in the end of the reference
- Use the abbreviated title of the journal in accordance with PubMed
- It is possible to add a DOI number in the end of the reference: DOI: 10.1002/oti.1327
- Please see Journal articles, more than 6 authors for information on how to refer to articles with more than six authors
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC. Title of article. Title of newspaper. Date; Ev section:beginning page.
Konnikova M. The joy of psyching myself out. International New York Times. 2016 Jan 11:8
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six authors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six authors, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Journal article, more than 6 authors”
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA, Surname BB, Surname CC. Title of article. Title of newspaper [Internet]. Date [cited date]; Available from: URL
Medina J. California set to mandate childhood vaccines amid intense fight. New York Times [Internet]. 2015 Jun 25 [cited 2015 Sep 11]. Available from
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six editors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six editors, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Unsigned article
Title of encyclopedia [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Entry term. [cited date]. Available from: URL
Unsigned articlel
Encyclopaedia Britannica [Internet]. Chicago: Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc; c2015. Anemia. [cited 2015 Sep 14]. Available from:
Signed article
Surname AA. Entry term. In Title of encyclopedia [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year [cited date]. Available from: URL
Signed article
Delinsky SS, St Germain SA. Anorexia Nervosa. In Cash T, editor. Encyclopedia of body image and human appearance [Internet]. London, San Diego, Waltman, Oxford: Academic Press; 2012 [cited 2015 Dec 18]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six authors or editors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Journal article, more than 6 authors”..
- When referring to an entire encyclopaedia, see the example for books
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA. Title. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Series; serial number.
Bánóczy J, Petersen PE, Rugg-Gunn AJ, editors. Milk fluoridation for the prevention of dental caries. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six authors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six authors, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”.
- If there is no information regarding publication year, use [date unknown]
- If information is missing, for example regarding series or serial numbers, this information is omitted from the reference
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Organisation. Title. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Series; serial number.
World Health Organization. WHO child growth standards: Growth velocity based on weight, length and head circumference: Methods and development. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2009.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- If there is no information regarding publication year, use [date unknown]
- If information is missing, for example regarding series and serial number, this information is omitted from the reference
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA. Title [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Series; serial number. [cited date]. Available from: URL
Lucas R, McMichael T, Smith W, Armstrong B. Solar ultraviolet radiation: Global burden of disease from solar ultraviolet radiation [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2006. Environmental Burden of Disease Series; No. 13. [cited 2015 Sep 14]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six authors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six authors, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”
- If there is no information regarding publication year, use [date unknown]
- If information is missing, for example regarding series or serial number, this information is omitted from the reference
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Organisation. Title [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. Series; serial number. [cited date]. Available from: URL
World Health Organization. Guideline: Vitamin D supplementation in pregnant women [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2012. [cited 2015 Sep 14]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- If there is no information regarding publication year, use [date unknown]
- If information is missing, for example regarding series and serial number, this information is omitted from the reference
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Government publications
Template printed form
Title (SFS Year:number) Place of publication: Publisher
Example printed form
Hälso- och sjukvårdslag (SFS 1982:763) Stockholm: Socialdepartementet
Template electronic form
Title (SFS Year:number) [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher [cited date]. Available from: URL
Example electronic form
Hälso- och sjukvårdslag (SFS 1982:763) [Internet]. Stockholm: Socialdepartementet [cited 2014 Jan 14]. Available from: Lagar/Lagar/Svenskforfattningssamling/Halso--och-sjukvardslag-1982_sfs-1982-763/?bet=1982:763
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Most Swedish laws and regulations are now available electronically on the Internet
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Template printed form
Title (HSLF-FS Year:number). Place of publication: Publisher
Title (SOFS Year:number). Place of publication: Publisher
Example printed form
Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om vissa åtgärder i hälso- och sjukvården vid dödsfall (HSLF-FS 2015:15). Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen
Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter om praktisk tjänstgöring för psykologer (SOSFS 2008:34). Västerås: Edita Västra Aros
Template electronic form
Title (HSLF-FS Year:number). [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher [cited date]. Available from: URL
Title (SOFS Year:number). [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher [cited date]. Available from: URL
Example electronic form
Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om vissa åtgärder i hälso- och sjukvården vid dödsfall (HSLF-FS 2015:15) [Internet]. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen [cited 2018 Jul 31]. Available from
Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter om praktisk tjänstgöring för psykologer (SOSFS 2008:34). [Internet]. Västerås: Edita Västra Aros. [cited 2014 Jan 14]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd is now published as a part of a series common to several governmental agencies in the field of health care, social service, pharmaceutical drugs and public health. Regulations published before 1 July 2015 are included in the new collection but retain their old names with the abbreviation SOFS
- Most Swedish laws and regulations are now available electronically on the Internet
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Template printed form
Organisation. Title (SOU Year:number) Place of publication: Publisher
Example printed form
Nationella folkhälsokommittén. Hälsa på lika villkor: nationella mål för folkhälsan: slutbetänkande (SOU 2000:91). Stockholm: Fritze
Template electronic form
Institution. Title (SOU Year:number) [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher [cited date]. Available from: URLL
Example electronic form
Nationella folkhälsokommittén. Hälsa på lika villkor: nationella mål för folkhälsan: slutbetänkande (SOU 2000:91) [Internet]. Stockholm: Fritze [cited 2014 Jan 14]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- SOUs are handled as reports and the organisations are treated as the authors, for example the National Board of Health and Welfare
- The organisations often appoint committees or investigation groups who become the actual authors and who are to be listed as authors
- If the names of these authors cannot act independently (or if it is difficult to determine the name format) these shall be subservient to their respective administrative units. For example, authorities and departments or geographic units such as countries or cities
- The administrate unit for this example is “Sweden” but this can be omitted if it is entirely certain from the context that the organisation/committee is Swedish
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Template printed form
Organization. Title (Ds Year:number) Place of publication: Publisher
Example printed form
Socialdepartementet. Fysioterapeut: ny skyddad yrkestitel för sjukgymnaster (Ds 2013:4). Stockholm: Fritze
Template electronic form
Institution. Title (Ds Year:number) [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher [cited date]. Available from: URL
Example electronic form
Sverige. Socialdepartementet. Fysioterapeut: ny skyddad yrkestitel för sjukgymnaster (Ds 2013:4). [Internet]. Stockholm: Fritze [cited 2014 Jan 14]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Reports in Departementserien are handled as reports and the organisations are treated as the authors, for example the National Board of Health and Welfare
- The organisations often appoint committees or investigation groups who become the actual authors and who are to be listed as authors
- If the names of these authors cannot act independently (or if it is difficult to determine the name format) these shall be subservient to their respective administrative units. For example, authorities and departments or geographic units such as countries or cities
- The administrate unit for this example is “Sweden” but this can be omitted if it is entirely certain from the context that the organisation/committee is Swedish
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
University. Title of curriculum. [Internet]. Place of publication: University, department; Year. [cited date]. Available from: URL
Karolinska Institutet. Utbildningsplan för tandläkarprogrammet; 2013. [Internet]. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet, Styrelsen för utbildning; 2013. [cited 2014 Jan 14]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- If there is no information regarding year of publication, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Dissertations and degree projects
Surname AA. Title [degree project/master's thesis on the Internet]. Place: University; Year [cited date]. Available from: URL
Duque-Arrubla M. Exploring the use of health communication in health policy implementation: response to the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone [master's thesis on the Internet]. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet; 2015 [cited 2017 Jan 17]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six authors are stated in the reference list
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown
- For degree projects and theses in printed form, omit date cited and URL
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA. Title [dissertation/ licentiate thesis (on the Internet)]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year [cited date]. Available from: URL
Mattsson J. Uncovering pain and caring for children in the pediatric intensive care unit: nurses' clinical approach and parent's perspective [dissertation on the Internet]. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet; 2013 [cited 2014 Jan 14]. Available from:
Saidi S. An exploration of self-care practice and self-care support of patients with type 2 diabetes in Malaysia [dissertation on the Internet]. Manchester; University of Manchester; 2015 [cited 2015 Sep 14]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- For theses, the academic department constitutes the publisher
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- If a thesis is published as a part of a series, this information is stated at the end of the reference
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Organisation/Surname AA. Title [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year [updated date; cited date]. Available from: URL
World Health Organization. Global Health Observatory (GHO) data. Dracunculiasis (guinea-worm disease) [Internet]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014. [cited 2015 Nov 19] Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Documents, for example reports, pdf-files or books, that have been downloaded from websites are referenced in the same way as printed documents. The only difference is that the supplement [Internet] comes after the title, and the URL in question, or any eventual DOI no. is stated at the end of the reference
- Up to six authors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six authors, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”
- If information is missing, for example regarding author or when the web page was updated, this information is omitted from your reference
- If there is no information regarding publication year, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Author/User name. Title [X post or tweet if before 2023]. Date [cited date]. Available from: URL
Biden, J. We're back in the Paris Climate Agreement. [X post]. 2021 January 21 [cited 2024 February 20]. Availble from:
Obama B. Women can no longer be charged more for health coverage just for being women [tweet]. 2015 June 25 [cited 2015 Nov 26]. Available from
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Use the twitterers real name if this is known. If the twitter user is a group or organization, use the real name of the group
- If the real name of the twitterer is unknown, use the Twitter user name without brackets
- The terms that are used in the references (for example X post, cited, Availiable from) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Title of blog [Internet/Blog on the Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Publication date/Beginning date- . [cited date]. Available from: URL
Aspiring docs diaries [Blog on the Internet]. Washington: Association of American Medical Colleges; 2012 Aug 20- . [cited 2015 Dec 17]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- If it is not clear from the title that the reference is a blog, this is included in accordance with the template above – [Blog on the Internet]
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA. Title of blog post. Year of publication, date [cited date]. In: Title of blog [Internet/Blog on the Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Publication date/Beginning date- . Available from: URL
Besselink A. Is non-evidence-based clinical practice an ethical dilemma? 2011 Oct 3 [cited 2015 Nov 26]. In: Allan Besselink [Blog on the Internet]. Austin: Allan Besselink; 2006- . Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- If it is not clear from the title that the reference is a blog, this is included in accordance with the template above – [Blog on the Internet]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
With author
Surname AA. Title of article. Year [updated date; cited date]. In: Title of wiki [Internet/wiki on the Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Publication date / Beginning date - . Available from: URL
Without author
Title of wiki [Internet/wiki på Internet/wiki on the Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Publication date/Beginning date- . Title of article; [updated date; cited date]. Available from: URL
With author
Smith D, Wijayagoonawardana PA. Direct inguinal hernia. 2009 [updated 2015 May, cited 2015 Dec 9]. In: [wiki on the Internet]. [place unknown]:; 2005- . Available from:
Without author
Wikipedia [Internet]. St. Petersburg (FL): Wikimedia Foundation, Inc; 2001 - . Self care; [revised 2015 Nov 28; cited 2015 Dec 9]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- If it is not clear from the title that the reference is a Wiki, this is included in accordance with the template above – [wiki on the Internet]
- If there is no information regarding publication year, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Name of the database [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Beginning date - . [cited date]. Available from: URL
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) [Internet]. Baltimore, Betsheda: McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, John Hopkins Medicine, National Human Genome Research Institute; 1966- .[cited 2015 Dec 10]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order. You can read more about how citations are inserted in the text in accordance with the Vancouver style here
More information
- If there is no beginning year, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a beginning year nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Name of the database [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Beginning date- . Title of part [updated date; cited date]. Available from: URL
Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) [Internet]. Baltimore, Betsheda: McKusick-Nathans Institute of Genetic Medicine, John Hopkins Medicine, National Human Genome Research Institute; 1966- . 113705 Breast cancer gene, BTCA1; [updated 2015 Nov 10; cited 2015 Dec 10]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- If there is no beginning year, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a beginning year nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Organisation/Surname AA. Title [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year [updated date; cited date]. Available from: URL
Karolinska institutet University Library. Searching with subject headings or free text [video file]. 2016, Nov 9 [cited 2018 Jul 31]. Available from
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- As a general rule, you should only refer to sources that are available to the general audience. Avoid references to documents on closed networks, for example password protected intranets or learning platforms
- In some situations you may refer to this kind of documents. This might be the case if the readers of your text also have access to the website, or if the information isn’t available elsewhere. Use the template for the appropriate source, for example web page or report
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname AA/Organisation/Agency. Title [Internet]. Version. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. [updated date; cited date]. Available from: URL
Palin K, Pitkänen E, Turunen M, Sahu B, Pihlajamaa P, Kivioja T et al. Contribution of allelic imbalance to colorectal cancer [Internet]. Geneva: Zenodo; 2018. [cited 2019 Apr 3]. Available from:
Andersen LM. Data for group analyses in the Frontiers Reseach Topic: From raw MEG/EEG to publication: How to perform MEG/EEG group analysis with free academic software [Internet]. Version 2. Geneva: Zenodo; 2017. [cited 2019 Apr 3]. Available from:
World Health Organization. Adolescent birth rate. Data by country [Internet]. Geneva: Global Health Observatory data repository; [date unknown]. [updated 2018 Apr 9; cited 2019 Apr 4]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six creators are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six creators, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”
- If there is no information regarding publication year, use [date unknown]
- Information about the version shall be stated if you use any other version than the first one. If there is no information about the version of your source, you can assume that it is the first version
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Sound and images
Producer's/Director's Surname AA, producer/director.Title [type of medium]. Ev title of series. Place of publication: Publisher/distributor; Publication date.
Film or standalone programme
Hauben L, Goldman B, Douglas M, Zaentz S, producers; Forman M, director. One flew over the cuckoo's nest [film]. Berkeley: Fantasy Films; N. V. Zvaluw; 1975.
Episode in series
Crichton M; Holcomb R, director. 24 hours [TV programme]. ER. Universal City: Constant C Productions/ Amblin Television/ Warner Bros Television; Sep 19 1994.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Specify the role of the creator after the name of directors and producers
- If there is no publication date, use copyright date instead, preceded by c. If neither a publication date nor a copyright date can be found, use [date unknown]
- If the programme has been downloaded from the Internet, this should be stated in the reference. State Available from: URL at the end of the reference and state which date the references was cited in accordance with the template [cited date] directly before the URL
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Publisher/producer/User name. Title [video file]. Year, date [cited date]. Available from: URL
Gapminder Foundation. The relation between ebola & extreme poverty goes both ways — Factpod #9 [video file]. 2014, Dec 9 [cited 2015 Dec 18]. Available from:
docamen. New Research: PLOS One 'Benzodiazepine use associated with brain injury, job loss and unaliving by University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. [video file]. 2023, July 3 [cited 2023 Nov. 20]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- It is possible to use either the creator's real name or the user name
- The terms that are used in the references (for example video file, cited, available from) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Author/producer/narrator. Title [podcast on the Internet]. Ev series. Place of publication/Place of recording: Publisher; Year [cited date]. Available from: URL
National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, producer. Meningococcal Immunizations for Preteens and Teens [podcast on the internet]. Atlanta: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2015 [cited 2015 Dec 9]. Available from:
Sanford K. Chemical warfare at home [podcast on the Internet]. Dr Kiki’s science hour. Petaluma: Twit; 2015 [cited 2015 Dec 9]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order. You can read more about how citations are inserted in the text in accordance with the Vancouver style here
More information
- If there is no information regarding publication year, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Reference to the source where the image/table/figure is included. Number of picture/table/figure, Title of image/table//figure; p. x
Cann AJ. Principles of molecular virology [Internet]. Burlington, MA: Elsevier Academic Press, 2005. Available from: Figure 2.6, Icosahedra with triangulation numbers of 1, 3 and 4; p. 36
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- The reference is constructed in the same way as the reference to the entire source, followed by information about the image, table or figure
- Use the same name and number for the image, table or figure as in the source
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Creator's Surname AA. Title [type of medium]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
Creator' Surname AA/User name. Title [type of medium]. Year of publication [cited date]. Available from: URL. Licence
Monfils L. X-ray of the heelbone with plantar fasciitis [photography]. 2008 [cited 12 February 2015]. Available from: (CC BY 3.0)
CB Du Rietz. Öga [photography]. 2014 [cited 11 February 2015] Available from: (CC BY 2.0)
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order. You can read more about how citations are inserted in the text in accordance with the Vancouver style here
More information
- It is possible to use the creator's real name or user name.
- If there is no information regarding publication year, use [date unknown].
- For AI generated images, see Other sources - Software, apps and AI tools. Make sure you citation is places next to the images.
- For images with a Creative Commons license, state the license that applies, and the URL of the license.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Other sources
Surname AA, inventor; Organisation, assignee. Title. Country/region Patent number. Issue date/Grant date.
Boiten H, inventor; Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH, assignee. Prosthetic knee joint. European patent EP 3089711. Dec 6 2017.
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order. You can read more about how citations are inserted in the text in accordance with the Vancouver style here
More information
- Up to six inventors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than six inventors, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”
- The patent assignee might also be a person
- Use the same template if you want to refer to a patent application. State the patent applicant instead of the assignee. Use the phrase Patent application followed by the number of the patent application. Use the publication date instead of the issue date.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Reference to the source. Number of appendix, Title of appendix; p. x.
Stirling JD, Elliott R. Introducing neuropsychology. 2. ed. Hove, East Sussex: Psychology Press; 2008. Appendix, A primer of nervous system structure and function; p. 311-26.
Stoyanov SR, Hides L, Kavanagh DJ, Zelenko O, Tjondronegoro D, Mani M. Mobile app rating scale: a new tool for assessing the quality of health mobile apps. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2015 Mar 11;3(1):e27. Appendix 2, Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS).
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- The reference is constructed in the same way as the reference to the entire source, followed by information about the appendix
- For more information on how to format references to books and report, see these reference types
- Use the same name and number for the appendix as in the source. If a number is lacking, omit this information. If page numbers are lacking, omit this information too
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
More information
- Unpublished material such as an author's draft or manuscript for an article, book or other text is normally not included in the reference list, but only cited in the text
- In such a case, you must clearly state the nature of the source, the author and the date within parentheses
- Manuscripts that are available in an open and accessible archive can sometimes be included in the reference list. Then it is common to also specify where the source can be retrieved
- If a book or article has been accepted for publication it may be included in the reference list even if it has not been published yet. Please see Forthcoming article and Forthcoming book
More information
- Personal communication includes letters, email, interviews, telephone conversations, non recorded lectures, study visits and similar material
- Personal communication should only be cited in the text, and is not included in the reference list. State the kind of source, inital of the person's given name, family name and date within parentheses
Examples (Personal communication AB Higgins 10 Jan 2018)
(Email A Svensson 22 May 2015)
(Lecture L Jing 4 May 2017)
(Study visit MT Bern 18 Feb 2017) - Prefer other sources than personal communication, and check with teachers/supervisors if personal communication is an acceptable source
- Letters that are available in an open and accessible archive can sometimes be included in the reference list. Then it is common to also specify where the source can be retrieved
Author. Title [pamphlet]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year.
American Heart Association, American Stroke Association. Let’s talk about Stroke, TIA and Warning Signs [pamphlet on the Internet]. Dallas: American Heart Association, American Stroke Association; 2015. [cited 2015 Dec 9]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- If the pamphlet/brochure is in electronic format, indicate this with [pamphlet on the Internet], state “Available from: URL” at the end of the reference and specify which day the reference was cited in accordance with the template [cited date] directly before the URL
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Creator. Title of software/application/AI tool, version [computer program/mobile application/large language model/text-to-image model]. Place of publication: Publisher; Year. [cited date]. Available from: URL
Skyscape. Skyscape Medical Resourses, ver. 2.6.24 [mobile application]. Northborough (MA): Skyscape Medpresso Inc; 2020. [cited 20 April 2022]. Available from:
Region Stockholm. AlltidÖppet, ver. 1.40.0 [mobile application]. Stockholm: Stockholms läns sjukvårdsområde; [date unknown]. [cited 23 September 2023]. Available from:
OpenAI. ChatGPT, 2023. [Large language model]. San Fransisco: OpenAI; 2023 [cited 23 September 2023]. Available from:
Microsoft Bing. Copilot, 2024. [Large language model]. Redmond: Microsoft Corporation; 2024. [cited 21 January 2024]. Available from: YouImagine. [Text-to-image model]. Palo Alto:; 2024. [cited 22 February 2024]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Common software and mobile apps mentioned in the text, but not paraphrased or quoted, do not need citations. “Common” is relative to your audience – exampes include Microsoft Office, social media apps (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), survey software, Adobe products, Java and statistical programs (e.g. SPSS).
- The year of a computer software or mobile app reference is the year of publication of the version used. If there is no information regarding the year, use [date unknown].
- For AI tools use the year you used the tool both as version number and in the slot for year. See examples above.
- You should never use a text generated in an AI tool as your own, but AI generated material can be used as e.g. study material or basis for discussion. Whenever you paraphrase, quote, or incorporate into your own work any content from a generative AI tool (whether text, image, data, or other) make sure you cite the tool you used to create it.
- AI generated material is always unique, therefore it is a good idea to copy the material (prompt and generated material) as an attachment to your work.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example large language model, mobile application) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Surname AA. Title [Internet/PowerPoint presentation on the Internet]. Place of publicationt: Publisher; Year. [cited date]. Available from: URL
Bramer WM. A unique method for fast, high-quality systematic searching [PowerPoint presentation on the Internet]. Rotterdam: Erasmus MC; 2015. [cited June 21 2016]. Available from:
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The citations are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order.
More information
- Up to six authors are stated in the reference list. If there are more than authors, this is indicated by “et al.”, see the reference example for “Book, more than 6 authors”
- If it is not clear from the title that the reference is a PowerPoint presentation, this is included in accordance with the template above – [Powerpoint presentation on the Internet]
- If there is no year of publication, use year of copyright instead, preceded by c. If neither a year of publication nor a year of copyright can be found, use [date unknown]
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
When citing a secondary source, only provide a reference list entry for the secondary source that you used. In text, identify the primary source and then write “as cited in” the secondary source that you used.
In text
According to Glaser and Strauss, as cited in Polit & Beck7, the Grounded theory method is used...
Retzius, as cited in a book by Bahlo4 from 2001, classified humans in several ways.
More information
- A secondary source refers to content first reported in another source.
- Avoid secondary sources if possible. Use it only when the original work is out of print, unavailable or available in a language that you don’t understand. If possible, as a matter of good scholarly practice, find the original source, read it and cite the original source rather than citing a secondary source.
- The primary source is not listed in the reference list, only in the text.. In the reference list, only the sources that you’ve actually read is listed, in this case, the secondary source.
- For information how to cite the secondary source in the reference list, see the template for the source in question.
In text
... (1). ... (2).
The reference list
1. ...
2. ...
In text
In Sweden, about 30,000 cases of lung cancer are diagnosed annually (1). Between 1986 and 2005, the number of cases among women has increased by about 3% per year, while the increase among men has stopped (2). The difference between the sexes is connected to the differences in smoking habits in men and women, respectively. Since it takes a long time for lung cancer to develop, these changes reflect smoking habits of many years ago. Socialstyrelsen has indicated a delay of an average of 30 years (1).
The reference list
- Socialstyrelsen. Cancerincidens i Sverige 2014: nya diagnosticerade cancerfall år 2014. Stockholm: Socialstyrelsen; 2015. Retrieved from
- Koyi H, Hillerdal G, Brandén E. A prospective study of a total material of lung cancer from a county in Sweden 1997-1999: gender, symptoms, type, stage, and smoking habits. Lung Cancer. 2002 Apr;36(1):9-14.
More information
- In the text, the citations are indicated with a number. The citations are numbered sequentially and the reference list is arranged in the same order
- Citations are placed next to the statement they refer to and before the full stop when they appear in the end of the sentence
- Square brackets and superscript numbers can also appear in the Vancouver style. If superscript numbers are used, these are placed after the full stop when the citation appears in the end of the sentence
Studies indicate that lung cancer may grow more slowly in women. Lindell et al. (1) showed that 85% of the lung tumours that took more than 400 days to double in volume were found in women. This result is a reflection of the higher incidence among women of forms of cancer with a slower disease progression such as alveolar cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, but Lindell et al. found that the time it took for the volume to double was greater in women, regardless of the histological type of lung cancer. Their study also showed that …
More information
- If an entire paragraph or more than one statement have the same source, this can be shown in the text and the citation only needs to be included once.
... (1, 2).
... (1-3).
... (2, 4).
Among non-smokers, lung cancer is significantly more common among women than men. Fifteen per cent of all women who get lung cancer have never smoked, while five per cent of men who suffer from lung cancer are non-smokers (1, 3). It is still not clear why this is. Several studies have investigated women's exposure to known risk factors for lung cancer, such as radon (4, 5) and passive smoking (4, 6-8), but no statistically significant link has been found. Studies investigating the link between hormone replacement therapy and lung cancer have arrived at contradictory conclusions (5-7).
More information
- If more than one source is cited at the same time, the citations are placed in the same parentheses and separated by a comma and a space
- If more than two sequential sources are cited, they are written with a hyphen in-between them
Note on Vancouver
Vancouver only regulates the formatting of references (ie. the in-text numbering and the bibliography) and the example below is therefore to be considered a recommendation
Surnname (1) showed that ...
According to Surname et al. (2) ...
Holloway (1) describes ...
According to Lindell et al. (2) ....
More information
- It is possible to mention the author in the text. Use the author's surname
- You should still insert the citation as a number in parentheses
- Only the first author is mentioned in the text, followed by the abbreviation et al. if there are more than one
Surname-Surname AA
Surname AA.
Rodriguez-Vieitez E
Hulting AL
In text
In the text, numbers are used in parentheses. The references are numbered and the reference list is arranged in the same order. You can read more about how references are inserted in the text in accordance with the Vancouver style here.
More information
- Keep the hyphen in hyphenated double surnames
- Abbrievate hyphenated first names to initials and omit the hyphen
"..." (1, s./p.).
"Evidence based medicine is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients." (1, p. 71)
More information
- If you use quotations in your text, you should give information about page number(s). Include the page number(s) after the citation in the same parentheses
- Use the abbreviation p./pp. for page number(s)
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