Book examination halls
The examination halls can be booked for digital and in-person exams. Both take place in the same hall.
- More information about examination hall Bengt Winbladsalen in Flemingsberg.
- More information about examination hall ANA23 in Flemingsberg.
- More information about examination hall BZ in Solna.
- More information about examination hall Widerströmska in Solna.
The examination halls are booked through KI's booking system TimeEdit. If you want more information about booking premises on campus, see the page Book premises as an employee.
Practical information
The examination hall opens when the booking reservation begins, and when the examination starts the doors are automatically locked.
In order to ensure that both digital and in-person exams can be given in the examination halls without having to refurnish the hall or reinstall the computers, the computers in the examination halls must be placed on the tables even when they are not in use. However, during an in-person exam, you may move the screen covered in gray felt and hang it on a hook to the side of the table. The keyboard can be moved to a drawer under the table and the mouse to a holder behind the computer screen. It is the exam guard's responsibility to ensure that this is done, either by doing it themselves or by ensuring that the students to do it. It is not included in the support offered by Student IT.
Inspera, Safe Exam Browser, and/or DigiExam have been installed on the computers in the examination halls for the purposes of digital examination. The browsers available are Google Chrome (default), Microsoft Edge and Mozilla Firefox. The software installed on the computers is Jamovi and R for Windows. No other software, such as Microsoft Word, is available on these computers.
Technical issues with the computers
If you have technical issues with the computers, contact Student IT or fill out the following form: Report a problem with the computers in the examination halls.

Student IT
If you have questions on IT related issues you can contact Student IT.
Phone & email
Problems getting into the examination hall
The examination hall opens when the booking reservation begins. If it does not, contact AV-Support.
After 16.30 on weekdays, or during weekends, contact the KI security guards:
Flemingsberg: 08 – 524 86 060. Solna: 08 – 524 86 429
Technical issues with projectors and sound systems
During daytime on weekdays, please contact AV-Support.
Storage cabinets
Student IT cannot open the storage cabinets in the writing room. During daytime on weekdays, please contact AV-Support
After 16.30 on weekdays and during weekends, contact the KI security guards: Flemingsberg: 08 – 524 86 060, Solna: 08 – 524 86 429
In-person examination
Hang the gray felt screen on the hook to the side of the table, put the keyboard in the holder under the table and the mouse in the holder behind the computer screen. This way the screen will not light up and disturb the student during the exam. Please do not turn off any computers or unplug any cables. This may cause problems for the next digital examination or stall any upcoming updates on the computers.
Digital examination
Place the gray felt screen, mouse and keyboard on the table. Check that the computers are on and that they are online. Make sure that the students can log in with their student account (same login details as for canvas).
At the end of a digital examination
Exam guards make sure that the exam ends correctly in Inspera. If the student has forgotten to click "submit" and the time allowed for the exam has expired, the teacher will need to unlock the computer and submit the exam for the student. Exam guards must remind students to log out of both Inspera and SEB. They must also ensure that all students have closed their browsers and logged out of their computers. If they have not, the exam guard will need to do it for them.
Please make sure you leave the room in the condition in which you found it.
Which platform is used in a digital examination?
Problems that might occur
The computer does not start or seems to have no internet
Make sure all cables are in place and that the computer is on (touch the mouse or the keyboard. The computer should start; otherwise, use the start button under the screen on the right side). Restart the computer. If it still does not work, ask the student to switch to another computer. If all other computers are busy, Student IT can replace the non-functioning computer with a new one. Call 08 - 524 82 222 (option nr 2) for further assistance.
Please make an error report to Student IT and enter the number of the table where the non-functioning computer can be found.
The mouse or keyboard attached to the computer does not seem to work
Pull the mouse/keyboard cord out of the computer and then reinsert it.
The student cannot log in to the computer
Make sure that students log in with their user name and password (same login details as for canvas).
If the student can´t log in, contact Student-IT and ask them to reset the password for the student. Alternatively, the student can reset the password via KI:s ID-portal using e-identification or via Office 365 if they have activated the two-step verification (Authenticator) for their student account..
In the examination halls, where can students with disabilities write their examination?
There are separate rooms in Neo (Bengt Winblad), ANA23 and ANA10 in Flemingsberg and in the examination hall BZ and on 5th floor (Space & Enter) in BZ.
The student cannot log out from the computer after the examination
Ctrl + Alt + Delete - Log Out
Food and drinks
Drinks and something edible are allowed (no nuts!).
Error report
Please report errors regarding the computers in the examination halls
For other technical equipment error or other issues in the examination halls, please contact AV-Support.
If you would like us to get back to you, please submit your contact information in the form below along with your feeback.