Book computer rooms for teaching
As a teacher at KI, you can book Student IT's computer classrooms for your lectures and the examination halls for your exams.
Computer classrooms
There are two bookable computer classrooms on campus Flemingsberg: S 311 Urban and S 301 Ursula in Zanderska huset, Alfred Nobels allé 23.
There are two bookable computer classrooms in Solna: Ada Lovelace and Grace Hopper on floor 4 in Berzeliuslaboratoriet, Berzelius väg 3.
You book through the KI booking system TimeEdit. Please note that specific conditions apply during the weekends. (See below).
You can read more about the computer rooms and their equipment on the page Computer rooms & examination halls. On the page Using KI's computers & software, you will find information about the software installed on the computers.
Booking during a weekend
KIB does not offer any support during weekends or bank holidays. It is important that you contact Student IT beforehand so we can double-check that the computer room you've requested is in order. We are not responsible for any disturbances that occur after office hours.
Please also inform us about any special requests you have well in advance, so that we may accommodate you in a timely manner.
Software installations
All computers in the rooms are equipped with a basic range of applications. However, there are many courses that require more advanced programs. Student IT cannot afford to purchase licenses for all of these programs. However, we are happy to install specific programs for individual courses, provided that the course coordinator is responsible for the licensing fees.
The programs are installed using scripts from a central server. For us to be able to install a program in time for the course, we must receive the software and the licenses at least 15 business days before the course starts. In some instances, we may already have the scripts and simply need to initiate the installation, but it is still important that we are contacted in advance. Once we've installed a program, we encourage you, as the teacher, to test the program in advance of the course starting, in order to ensure that everything works.
Login details
Each teacher receives an account to log in with. The account can also be used by the students if they do not have a student account.
The account is also useful if the teacher wants to upload files in a shared folder that all participants in the course can access.
The teacher is responsible for managing the account and the login information, and should ensure that it is not freely available to others via the computer room. The teacher is also responsible for ensuring that all students have logged off after the lecture.
Note that these accounts are only valid for logging in to the computers in Student IT's computer classrooms.
Access to a booked computer room
The room will open at the time you've booked it for.

Student IT
If you have questions on IT related issues you can contact Student IT.
Phone & email
If you would like us to get back to you, please submit your contact information in the form below along with your feeback.