Referencing guide for APA 7
APA (American Psychological Association) is a referencing style common within the fields of psychology and health sciences. APA is a so-called author-number style. The bibliography should be placed at the end of the document, be arranged alphabetically by authors' last names and should contain all necessary bibliographic information. The in text, references should contain the author(s) and the year of publication within parenthesis.
KIB:s guide for APA is especially for students at Karolinska Institutet. The references should be considered as recommendations based on APA 7 and in some cases with the support of Swedish cataloging rules for libraries. The guide for APA 7 was first published in 2020.
Always ask your supervisor or teacher which style to use and be consistent in your text. When in doubt, double check with official manuals, contact the library for support and discuss with your supervisor or teacher at KI before submitting your thesis or assignment.
Surname, X. X. (Year). Title (edition). Publisher. DOI
Surname, X. X., & Surname, X. X. (Year). Title (edition). Publisher. DOI
Neumann, D. A. (2017). Kinesiology of the musculoskeletal system: foundations for rehabilitation (3rd ed.). Elsevier.
Strachan, T., & Read, A. P. (2019). Human molecular genetics (5th ed.). CRC Press.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Neumann, 2017)
(Strachan & Read, 2019)
When the author or authors gets mentioned in the text
Neumann (2017) describes …
Strachan and Read (2019) develop …
More information
- Please note that the authors should be arranged in the same order in the reference as in the source.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- Information about the edition shall be stated if you use any other edition than the first one. If there is no information about the edition of your source, you can assume that it is the first edition. Use the abbreviation “ed.”.
- A Digital object identifier (DOI), is a unique, permanent identification number that identifies content and provides a persistent link to its location on the Internet. Use the whole link starting with:
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., & Surname, X. X. (Year). Title (edition). Publisher. DOI
Coad, J., Pedley, K., & Dunstall, M. (2020). Anatomy and physiology for midwives (4th ed.). Elsevier.
Knopik, V. S., Neiderhiser, J. M., DeFries, J. C., & Plomin, R. (2017). Behavioral genetics (7th ed.). Worth Publishers, Macmillan Learning.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Coad et al., 2020)
(Knopik et al., 2017)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
Coad et al. (2020) show that …
According to Knopik et al. (2017) …
More information
- If there are 3 or more authors, cite only the first author's surname followed by et al.
- Please note that the authors should be arranged in the same order in the reference as in the source.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- Information about the edition shall be stated if you use any other edition than the first one. If there is no information about the edition of your source, you can assume that it is the first edition. Use the abbreviation “ed.".
- A Digital object identifier (DOI), is a unique, permanent identification number that identifies content and provides a persistent link to its location on the internet. If DOI is available provide the entire link at the end of the reference as follows:
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Surname, X. X. (Ed.). (Year).Title (edition). Publisher. DOI
Alligood, M.R. (Ed.). (2017). Nursing theorists and their work. (9th ed.). Elsevier.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Alligood, 2017)
When the author are mentioned in the text
Alligood (2017) show that …
More information
- Please see the examples for books to find more information about how to refer to books with several editors.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date.
- Information about the edition shall be stated if you use any other edition than the first one. If there is no information about the edition of your source, you can assume that it is the first edition. Use the abbreviation “ed.".
- A Digital object identifier (DOI), is a unique, permanent identification number that identifies content and provides a persistent link to its location on the internet. If a DOI-number is available, add the entire link at the end of the reference:
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Author of chapter’s Surname, X. X. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. Editor’s Surname (Ed.), Book Title (edition, pp. xx-xx). Publisher. DOI
Spatz, D. L. (2014). The use of human milk and breastfeeding in the neonatal intensive care unit. In K. Wamback & J. Riordan (Eds.), Breastfeeding and human lactation (5th ed., pp. 469-522). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Skoog, T. (2013). Adolescent and adult implications of girls' pubertal timing. In A-K. Andershed (Ed.), Girls at risk: Swedish longitudinal research on adjustment (pp. 9-34). Springer.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Spatz, 2014)
(Skoog, 2013)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
Spatz (2014) explains that …
Skoog (2013) argues that …
More information
- In text, refer to the author of the chapter.
- Please see examples for books to find more information about how to refer to chapters with several authors.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- Information about the edition shall be stated if you use any other edition than the first one. If there is no information about the edition of your source, you can assume that it is the first edition. Use the abbreviation “ed.
- Both chapter and page references are stated in the text if chapters have separate pagination, example: (Polit & Beck, 2004, Part 2, p. 24)
- A Digital object identifier (DOI), is a unique, permanent identification number that identifies content and provides a persistent link to its location on the internet. If the book has a DOI, it should be placed last in the reference as an link accordingly:
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Surname, X. X. (Year). Title (edition). Publisher. DOI
Krippendorff, K. (2019). Content analysis: an introduction to its methodology (4. ed.). SAGE.
Steketee, G., & Frost R. O. (2014). Treatment for hoarding disorder. Therapist guide (2nd ed.). Oxford University Press.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Krippendorff, 2019, Chapter 10)
(Steketee & Frost, 2014, Chapter 2)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
Krippendorff (2019, kapitel 10) argues ...
Steketee & Frost (2014, Chapter 2) describe ...
More information
- The reference is written in the same way as the reference to the entire book or report. For more information, see the reference alternatives for books and reports. No details about the chapter are stated.
- In the citations in the text, insert information about the chapter after the author's surname and year. Use the same term and number as in the source.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Author of conference contribution’s Surname, X. X. (Year). Title of conference contribution. In X. Editor’s Surname (Ed.), Title of conference proceedings. (start pagenumber-end pagenumber). Publisher. DOI/URL
Bärkås, A., Scandurra I., Hägglund, M. (2019). Analysis of voluntary user feedback of the Swedish National PAEHR service. In L. Ohno-Machado & B. Séroussi (Eds.), MEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All: Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of Medical and Health Informatics (1126-1130). IOS Press.
ln text
Parenthetical form
(Bärkås, et al., 2019)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
Bjärkås et al. (2019) describe that …
More information
- Please see the examples for books to find more information about how to refer to contributions with several authors.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- A Digital object identifier (DOI), is a unique, permanent identification number that identifies content and provides a persistent link to its location on the Internet. If a DOI-number is available, add the entire link accordingly:
- Conference contributions can also be published as articles in journals; in such cases, follow the template for journal articles.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language the of the source.
Surname, X. X. (Year). Title (edition). DOI or URL
Zeitler, P. S., & Nadeau, K. J. (2020). Insulin Resistance. Springer International Publishing.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Zeitler & Nadeau, 2020)
When the author is mentioned in the text
According to Zeitler and Nadeau (2020) …
More information
- Please see the examples for books to find more information about how to refer to e-books with several authors.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- An e-book from an academic research database should be treated as an authored print book. Do not include a URL or database information for works from academic research databases.
- DA Digital object identifier (DOI), is a unique, permanent identification number that identifies content and provides a persistent link to its location on the Internet. If DOI-number is available this is placed as link at the end of the reference accordingly:
- If the e-book is freely available on the web and does not have a DOI, enter the URL address instead.
- Information about the edition shall be stated if you use any other edition than the first one. If there is no information about the edition of your source, you can assume that it is the first edition. Use the abbreviation “ed.”
Author’s surname, X. X. (Year). Title. (X. X. Translator’s surname, Trans. edition). Publisher. (Original work published)
Foucault, M. (2011). Madness: The invention of an idea. (A. Sheridan, Trans.). Harper Perennial Modern Thought. (Original work published 1954)
In text
Parenthetical form
(Foucault, 2011)
When the author is mentioned in the text
Foucault (2011) argues that …
More information
- Please see the examples for books to find more information about how to refer to translated books with several authors.
- Information regarding the title, edition, publisher, and place of publication should apply to the translation (not the original).
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- Information about the edition shall be stated if you use any other edition than the first one. If there is no information about the edition of your source, you can assume that it is the first edition. Use the abbreviation “ed.”
- A Digital object identifier (DOI), is a unique, permanent identification number that identifies content and provides a persistent link to its location on the internet.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Surname, X. X. (in press). Title. Publisher.
Fleischman, A. R. (in press). Pediatric Ethics. Protecting the Interests of Children. Oxford University Press.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Fleischman, in press)
When the author is mentioned in the text
Fleischman (in press) describes …
More information
- If the manuscript of a book has been accepted for publication by a publisher but is not yet published, use the phrase in press instead on the publication year.
- Please see the examples for books to find more information about how to refer to books with several authors or editors.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Surname, X. X. (Year). Title. Journal, volume(issue), beginning page-last page. DOI
Surname, X. X., & Surname, X. X. (Year). Title. Journal, volume(issue), beginning page-last page. DOI
Carlsson M. (2020). Self-reported competence in female and male nursing students in the light of theories of hegemonic masculinity and femininity. Journal of advanced nursing, 76(1), 191–198.
Smith, D. L., & Claytor, R. P. (2018). An acute bout of aerobic exercise reduces movement time in a Fitts' task. PloS One, 13(12), Article e0210195. https:/
In text
Parenthetical form
(Carlsson, 2020)
(Smith & Claytor, 2018)
When the author is mentioned in the text
According to Carlsson (2014) …
Smith and Claytor (2018) describe ...
More information
- Please note that the authors should be arranged in the same order in the reference as in the source.
- If information is missing, for example regarding issue or page numbers, this information is omitted from your reference.
- Digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique number that identifies a specific source and provides a persistent link to it. If an electronic article does not have a DOI-number, and the article was accessed online from a non-database website, the URL is stated instead. If the article was accessed in print or retrieved from an academic database, no URL is included.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., & Surname, X. X. (Year). Title. Journal, volume(issue), beginning page-last page. DOI
Fulk, G., Duncan, P., & Klingman, K. J. (2020). Sleep problems worsen health-related quality of life and participation during the first 12 months of stroke rehabilitation. Clinical Rehabilitation, 34(11), 1400–1408.
Ho, F. K. W. , Louie, L. H. T., Wong, W. H., Chang, K. L., Tiwari, A., Chow, C. B., Ho, W., Wong, W., Chan, M., Chen, E. Y. H., Cheung, Y. F., & Ip, P. (2017). A sports-based youth development program, teen mental health, and physical fitness: An RCT. Pediatrics, 140(4), Article e20171543.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Fulk et al., 2020)
(Ho et al., 2017)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
According to Fulk et al. (2020)…
Ho et al. (2017) show that ...
More information
- Please note that the authors should be arranged in the same order in the reference as in the source.
- In-text citations for works with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author and the abbreviation "et al".
- If information is missing, for example regarding issue or page numbers, this information is omitted from your reference.
- Digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique number that identifies a specific source and provides a persistent link to it. If an electronic article does not have a DOI-number, and the article was accessed online from a non-database website, the URL is stated instead. If the article was accessed in print or retrieved from an academic database, no URL is included.
Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., Surname, X. X., … Surname, X. X. (Year). Title. Journal, volume(issue), beginning page-last page. DOI
Perl A. E., Martinelli G., Cortes J. E., Neubauer, A., Berman, E., Paolini, S., Montesinos, P., Baer, M. R., Larson, R. A., Ustun, C., Fabbiano, F., Erba, H. P., Di Stasi, A., Stuart, R., Olin, R., Kasner, M., Ciceri, F., Chou, W.-C., ... Levis, M. J. (2019). Gilteritinib or chemotherapy for relapsed or refractory FLT3-mutated AML. New England Journal of Medicine. 381(18), 1728–1740.
Ding, K. J., Cammann, V. L., Szawan, K. A., Stähli, B. E., Wischnewsky, M., Di Vece, D., Citro R., Jaguszewski M., Seifert B., Sarcon A., Knorr M., Heiner S., Gili S., D'Ascenzo F., Neuhaus M., Napp L. C., Franke J., Noutsias M., Burgdorf C., … Templin, C. (2020). Intraventricular thrombus formation and embolism in takotsubo syndrome: Insights from the international takotsubo registry. Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 40(1), 279–287.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Perl et al., 2019)
(Ding et al., 2020)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
According to Perl et al. (2019)…
Ding et al. (2020) describe...
More information
- Please note that the authors should be arranged in the same order in the reference as in the source
- When there are 21 or more authors, include the first 19 authors’ names, insert an ellipsis (but no ampersand), and then add the final author’s name.
- In-text citations for works with three or more authors, include the name of only the first author and the abbreviation "et al."
- If information is missing, for example regarding issue or page numbers, this information is omitted from your reference
- Digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique number that identifies a specific source and provides a persistent link to it. If an electronic article does not have a DOI-number, and the article was accessed online from a non-database website, the URL is stated instead. If the article was accessed in print or retrieved from an academic database, no URL is included.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname, X. X. (in press). Title. Journal. DOI
Bennich, B. B., Munch, L., Overgaard, D., Konradsen, H., Knop, F. K., Røder, M., Vilsbøll, T. & Egerod, I. (in press). Experience of family function, family involvement, and self‐management in adult patients with type 2 diabetes: A thematic analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
In text
Parenthetical form
Bennich et al. (in press)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
Bennich et al. (in press) describe ...
More information
- If an article had been accepted for publication by a journal but is not yet published, use the phrase in press instead on the publication year.
- Please see the examples for journal articles to find more information about how to refer to articles with several authors.
- Digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique number that identifies a specific source and provides a persistent link to it. If an electronic article does not have a DOI-number, and the article was accessed online from a nondatabase website, the URL is stated instead. If the article was accessed in print or retrieved from an academic database, no URL is included.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Surname, X. X. (date). Title. Article. Journal. Advance online publication. DOI
Surname, X. X. (in press). Title. Journal. DOI
Ross, J. A., Vissers, J., Nanda, J., Stewart, G. D., Husi, H., Habib, F. K., Hammond, D.E., & Gethings, L. A. (2020). The influence of hypoxia on the prostate cancer proteome. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Advance online publication. https:/
Lee, J. E., Lee, J., Lee, H., Park, J. K., Park, Y., & Choi, W. S. (2020). End-of-life care needs for noncancer patients who want to die at home in South Korea. International Journal of Nursing Practice. Artikel e12808. Advance online publication. https:/
Bennich, B. B., Munch, L., Overgaard, D., Konradsen, H., Knop, F. K., Røder, M., Vilsbøll, T., & Egerod, I. (in press). Experience of family function, family involvement, and self‐management in adult patients with type 2 diabetes: A thematic analysis. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Rothstein, M. & Simoes-Costa, M. (in pressg). Heterodimerization of TFAP2 pioneer factors drives epigenomic remodeling during neural crest specification. Genome Research. https:/
In text
Parenthetical form
(Ross et al., 2020)
(Lee et al., 2020)
(Bennich et al., in press)
(Rothstein & Simoes-Costa, in press)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
According to Ross et al. (2019) …
Lee et al. (2020) discuss…
Bennich et al. (in press) shows ...
Rothstein and Simoes-Costa (in press) argues that ...
More information
- If an article has been published online ahead of the print version, you can use the year it was published online, and then add the phrase "Advance online publication" prior to the DOI.
- If an article has been accepted for publication by a journal but is not yet published, use the phrase in press instead of the publication year.
- Turn to the examples for journal articles to find how to cite articles with several authors..
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
- Digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique number that identifies a specific source and provides a persistent link to it. If an electronic article does not have a DOI-number, and the article was accessed online from a non database website, the URL is stated instead. If the article was accessed in print or retrieved from an academic database, no URL is included.
Surname. X. X. (Year, Date). Title of article. Title of newspaper. URL/ Section part
Grady, D. (2020, January 9). Vaping kills a 15-year-old in Texas. New York Times.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Grady, 2020)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
Grady (2020) describes …
More information
- Please see the examples for journal articles to find more information about how to refer to newspaper articles with several authors
- Include URL for newspaper articles in electronic form and the section part for newspaper articles in printed form.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
See "More information" below.
Stirling J. D., & Elliott R. (2008). Introducing neuropsychology (2. ed.). Psychology Press.
Stoyanov, S. R., Hides, L., Kavanagh, D. J., Zelenko, O., Tjondronegoro, D., & Mani, M. (2015). Mobile app rating scale: A new tool for assessing the quality of health mobile apps. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 3(1).
In text
Paranthetical form
(Stirling & Elliott, 2008, Appendix)
(Stoyanov et al., 2015, Appendix 2)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
Stirling och Elliott (2008, Appendix) describe...
Stoyanov et al. (2015, Appendix 2) examine...
More information
- The reference is written in the same way as the reference to the entire reference. For more information, please see the type of source where the appendix is included, for example book or journal article. No details about the appendix are stated.
- In the citations in the text, insert information about the appendix after the author's surname and year. Use the same term and number as in the source. If there is only one appendix, no number is needed.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Surname, X. X. (Year). Title (Title of series Serial number). Publisher. URL
Grundy, J., Dakulala, P., Wai, K., Maalsen, A., & Whittaker, M. (2019). Independent state of Papua New Guinea health system review. (M. Whittaker & N. Smith Eds., Health Systems in Transition, Vol. 9 No. 1). World Health Organization, Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Grundy et al., 2019)
When the author is mentioned in the text
According to Grundy et al. (2019) ...
More information
- Please see the examples for books to find more information about how to refer to books with several authors or editors.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- If information is missing, for example regarding series or serial numbers, this information is omitted from your reference.
- For reports in printed form, omit the information about URL.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Organisation. (Year). Title (Title of series Serial number). Publisher. URL
World Health Organization. Department of Reproductive Health and Research. (2019). Respect women: Preventing violence against women (WHO/RHR/18.19).
In text
Parenthetical form
(World Health Organization. Department of Reproductive Health and Research [WHO/RHR], 2019)
When the author is mentioned in the text
According to World Health organization, Department of Reproductive Health and Research (WHO/RHR, 2019)...
Following citations
(WHO/RHR, 2019)
WHO/RHR (2019) describes …
More information
- If information is missing, for example regarding series or serial numbers, this information is omitted from your reference.
- When the author and publisher are the same, omit information about the publisher in the source element.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- For reports in printed form, omit the information about URL.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Dissertations and degree projects
Surname, X. X. (Year). Title. [Doctoral thesis/Licentiate thesis, University]. Database Name/ Archive name. URL
Ahmed, S. (2020). Healthcare financing challenges and opportunities to achieving universal health coverage in the low- and middle-income country context. [Doctoral thesis, Karolinska Institutet]. Karolinska Institutet Open Archive.
Marten, M. G. (2014). Aid withdrawal and health care sustainability: Shifting mandates in health institutions and HIV/AIDS programs in Tanzania. (Publication no. 3691350) [Docoral thesis, University of Florida]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Ahmed, 2020)
(Marten, 2014)
When the author is mentioned in the text
Ahmed (2020) shows that …
According to Marten (2014) ...
More information
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- In many countries, theses can only be retrieved in subscription databases. In such cases, state the name of the database and order number or accession number.
- For theses in printed form, omit the information about URL/database.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
Surname, X. X. (Year). Title. [Degree project/Bachelor's thesis/ Master's thesis, University]. Database name/ Archive name. URL
Garcia Sanchez, C. (2019). Investigation on Time Spent on Caries Prevention in Västerbotten Public Dental Service Clinics: A secondary analysis of data from a longitudinal caries study. [Examensarbete, Karolinska Institutet]. Karolinska Institutet Open Archive.
Garcia Sanchez, C. (2019). Investigation on Time Spent on Caries Prevention in Västerbotten Public Dental Service Clinics: A secondary analysis of data from a longitudinal caries study. [Master's thesis, Uppsala University]. DiVA.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Garcia Sanchez, 2019)
When the author is mentioned in the text
Garcia Sanchez (2019) describes ...
More information
- Please see the examples for books to find more information about how to refer to books with several authors.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source.
- For theses in printed form, omit the information about URL.
Surname, X. X./Organization. (Date). Title. URL
Avramova, N. (2019, January 19). The Secret to a long, happy, healthy life? Think agepositive.. CNN.
Bologna, C. (2018, June 27). What happens to your mind and body when you feel homesick?. HuffPost.
World Health Organization. (2018, March). Questions and answers on immunization and vaccine safety.
In text
Paranthetical form
(Avramova, 2019)
(Bologna, 2018)
(World Health Organization [WHO], 2018)
When the originator is mentioned in the text
According to Avramova (2019) …
Bologna (2018) indicates that...
World Health Organization (WHO, 2018) describe...
Following citations
(Avramova, 2019)
According to Avramova (2019) …
(Bologna, 2018)
Bologna (2018) indicates that...
(WHO, 2018)
According to WHO (2018) ...
More information
- Please see the examples for books to find more information about how to refer to webpages and websites with several creators.
- When a URL is long or complex, you may use shortened URLs if desired, as long as you check the link to ensure that it takes you to the correct location.
- Include a retrieval date if the contents of the page are designed to change over time and the page itself is not archived. Set the date between website name and URL as follows: Retrieved Month date, year, from (Retrieved October 23, 2020, from http://...)
- Dates are based on when the website was last updated. Specify date as precisely as possible. If only year is available, use only year. If no publication year is available, use (n.d.), short for no date, instead, in text and reference list.
- If there is an established and well-known abbreviation for an authority, department or organization, you can use this together with the name in full the first time the reference is mentioned. After this, you only use the abbreviation. If the full name is short or if the abbreviation is unknown, it is better to write the full name each time.
- If you use more than one webpage from the same website, create a reference for each page.
- In addition to webpages, such as the one above, websites can host several different types of documents, for example reports, pdf-files or books. You refer to these in the same way as to the printed versions, but also add URL or DOI at the end.
- If there is a reference to an entire website in the text, the website is not included in the reference list, only in the text, and the URL to the entire website must be stated. For example “We used Padlet ( for our questionnaire”.
Author, X.X/Name of group. (Date). Title [ev. Description of audiovisuals] [Status update]. Site name. URL
Gaiman, N. (2018, March 22). Rohingya refugees could be at serious risk during Bangladesh’s monsoon season. My fellow UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Cate Blanchett is [Image attached] [Status update]. Facebook.
News From Science (26 juni 2018). These frogs walk instead of hop: [Video]. Facebook.
In text
Paranthetical form
(Gaiman, 2018)
(News From Science, 2018)
When the originator is mentioned in the text
According to Gaiman (2018) ...
News From Science (2018) shows ...
More information
- This format can be used for posts to other social media services, including Tumblr, LinkedIn and so forth.
- The title of the social media post is made out of the first twenty words of the post..
- If the social media post includes images (including animated gifs), videos, thumbnail link to outside sources, links to other tweets (as in a retweet with comment, or a poll, include that in square brackets.
- Replicate emojis if possible. If you are not able to create the emoji, provide the emoji’s name in square brackets [face with tears of joy emoji]. When calculating the number of words for the title, count an emoji as one word.
- Private Facebook pages that are not accessible to the public should be treated as personal communication and should only be cited in the text.
- If an URL is long or complex, you may use shortened URLs (see Gaiman example above) if desired. Any shortened URL is acceptable in a reference as long as you check the link to ensure that it takes you to the correct location.
Surname, A. A. (Year, date). Title [Blog post]. Retrieved from URL
Besselink, A. (2011, October 3). Is non-evidence-based clinical practice an ethical dilemma? [Blog post]. Retrieved from
In text
Parenthetical form
(Besselink, 2011)
When the author is mentioned in the text
Besselink (2011) states that ...
More information
- The title of the blog post is not written in italics
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Last name, X. X. [@username]. (Date). Title [Post]. Site name. URL
Last name, X. X. [@username]. (Date). Title [Tweet]. Site name. URL
Obama, B. [POTUS44]. (2015, June 25). Women can no longer be charged more for health coverage just for being women. [Tweet].
APA Education [@APAEducation]. (2018, June 29). College students are forming mental-health clubs – and they’re making a difference @washingtonpost. [Thumbnail with link attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.
White, B. [@BettyMWhite]. (2018, June 21). I treasure every minute we spent together #koko. [Image attached] [Tweet]. Twitter.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Obama, 2015)
(APA Education, 2018)
(White, 2018)
When the originator is mentioned in the text
Obama (2015) states...
In APA Education (2018) there is…
As White (2018) writes…
More information
- If the name of the author is known, use the author’s last name and surname initial(s). If a group or organization is behind the twitter identity, use the real name of the group. State the Twitter username within square brackets.
- However, if the name of the author is unknown, use the Twitter username without square brackets.
- The title of the tweet is made out of the first twenty words in the tweet.
- If he tweet includes images (including animated gifs), videos, thumbnail link to outside sources, links to other tweets (as in a retweet with comment, or a poll, include that in square brackets.
- Replicate emojis if possible. If you are not able to create the emoji, provide the emoji’s name in square brackets [face with tears of joy emoji]. When calculation the number of words for the title, count an emoji as one word.
Sound and images
Film or TV show
Surname, X. X. (Director). (Year). Title [Film/DVD/TV show]. Production Company. URL
TV series episode or webisode
Surname, X. X. (Writer), & Surname, X. X. (Director). (Date). Title of episode (Season number, Episode number) [TV series episode]. In X. X. Surname (Executive producer), Title of TV series. Production Company. URL
Film or video in another language
Surname, X. X. (Director). (Year). Original title [Translated title] [Film/DVD/TV-show]. Production Company. URL
Film or TV-show
Forman, M. (Director). (1975). One flew over the cuckoo's nest [Film]. Memfis Film AB.
Jackson, P. (Director). (2001). The Lord of the rings: The fellowship of the ring [Film; four-disc special extended ed. On DVD]. WingNut Films & The Saul Zaentz Company.
Film or video in another language
Besson, L. (Director). (1988). Le grand bleu [The big blue] [Film]. Gaumont & Les Films du Loup.
TV series episode or webisode
OOakley, B. (Writer), Weinstein, J. (Writer), & Lynch, J. (Director), (1995, May 21). Who shot Mr. Burns? (Part One) (Season 6, Episode 25) [TV series episode] In D. Mirkin, J. L. Brooks, M. Groenig, & S. Simon (Executive Producers), The Simpsons. Gracie Films; Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation.
In text
Paranthetical form
(Forman, 1975)
(Jackson, 2001)
(Besson, 1988)
(Oakley et al., 1995)
When the director or writer is mentioned in the text
Forman (1975) describes …
As Jackson (2001) begins…
According to Besson (1988) …
In Oakley at al. (1995) there is…
More information
- Please see the examples for books to find more information about how to refer to films/video/TV-programmes with several creators.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- Describe the audiovisual work in square brackets – for example, ”[Film],” “[TV show],” and so forth in the title element of the reference.
- The director should be credited as the author of a film. However, if the director is unknown, someone in a similar role can be credited instead to aid readers in retrieving the work.
- When a URL is long or complex, you may use shortened URLs if desired, as long as you check the link to ensure that it takes you to the correct location.
Surname, X. X./Organization. (Date). Title [Video]. Production Company/Label. URL
Gapminder Foundation. (2014, December 14). The relation between ebola & extreme poverty goes both ways – Factpod #9 [Video]. YouTube.
Karolinska Institutet Student Blogs. (2019, December 17). 73 Questions With a Karolinska Institutet Student – Flemingsberg Apartment [Video]. YouTube.
Karolinska Institutet. (2019, September 5). Vad kan man få hjälp med på biblioteket? [Video] KI Play.
In text
Paranthetical form
(Gapminder Foundation, 2014)
(Karolinska Institutet Student Blogs, 2019)
When the originator is mentioned in the text
Gapminder Foundation (2014) states…
According to Karolinska Institutet Student Blogs (2019)
More information
- The person or organisation who uploaded the video is credited as the author for retrievability, even if they did not create the work. Note the contributions of others who appear in the video in the text narrative if desired: Rosing speaks about poverty (Gapminder Foundation, 2014)…
- When a URL is long or complex, you may use shortened URLs if desired, as long as you check the link to ensure that it takes you to the correct location.
Template directly below image/figure/table
From/Adapted from Title [Type of media/Description], by Author, X. X./Organization, date, source. (URL). Licence
Template for list of references
Creator, X.X./Organization./User name. (Date). Title [Type of media/Description]. Source. URL
From X-ray of the heelbone with plantar fasciitis [Photography], by Monfils, L., 2008, Wikipedia. ( CC BY SA 3.0
From Eye [Photography], by Du Rietz, C.B., 2014, Flickr. ( CC BY 2.0
Example in list of references
Monfils, L. (2008). X-ray of the heelbone with plantar fasciitis [Photography]. Wikipedia.
CB Du Rietz. (2014). Eye [Photography]. Flickr.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Monfils, 2008)
(CB Du Rietz, 2014)
When the author is mentioned in the text
Monfils (2008) shows…
CB Du Rietz (2014) explains…
More information
- If the license associated with clip art or a stock image says that attribution is required, then provide a copyright attribution in the figure note and a reference list entry for the image in the reference list. Many (but not all) images with Creative Commons licenses require attribution.
- To use the image as a figure in an APA Style paper, provide a figure number and title and then the image. Below the image, provide a copyright attribution in the figure note. In a presentation, the figure number and title are optional but the note containing the copyright attribution is required.
- The copyright attribution is used instead of an in-text citation. The copyright attribution consists of the same elements as the reference list entry, but in a different order (title, author, date, site name, URL), followed by the name of the Creative Commons License.
- Place the citation directly below the image/figure/table.
- Also provide a reference list entry for the image. The reference list entry for the image consists of its author, year of publication, title, description in brackets, and source (usually the name of the website and the URL).
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- No URL is needed if the image isn’t available on the Internet.
- For more about licenses, se
- For AI-generated images, se the template for Software, AI-tools and Mobile apps. Remember that the reference should also be located next to the image, as above.
Surname, X.X. (Host). (Date). Title (Episode no.) [Audio podcast episode]. In title. Production Company. URL
Andersson, A & Odlind, C. (Host). (2022, November 2). Vad är autism? (No. 106) [Audio podcast episode]. In Medicinvetarna. Karolinska Institutet.
Glass, I. (host). (2011, August 12). Amusement Park (No. 443) [Audio podcast episode]. In This American life. WBEZ Chicago.
In text
parenthetical form
(Andersson & Odlind, 2022)
(Glass, 2011)
When the originator is mentioned in the text
Andersson och Odlind (2022) states that…
Even though Glass (2022) doesn’t agree…
More Information
• List the host of the podcast as the author and include their role in parentheses.
• Provide the episode number after the title in parentheses. If the podcast does not number episodes, omit the number from the reference.
• Specify the type of podcst (audio or video) in square brackets.
• If the URL of the podcast is unknown (e.g. if accessed via an app), omit the URL.
Other sources
Author, X.X./Organization (Date). Title of work/Name of Equipment (Version) [Computer software/Mobile app/Large language model]. Publisher/App Store. URL
Skyscape. (2020). Skyscape Medical Resources (Version 2.6.24) [Mobile app]. App Store.
Region Stockholm. (2023). Alltid öppet (Version 1.17.42) [Mobile app].
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT 3.5 (Version November 21, 2023) [Large language model].
Microsoft Bing. (2024). Copilot (Version January 2024) [Large language model]. (2024). YouImagine – AI Image Generator [text-to-image model].
In text
Paranthetical form
(Skyscape, 2020)
(Region Stockholm, 2023)
(OpenAI, 2023)
(Microsoft Bing, 2024)
(, 2024)
When the author is mentioned in the text
Skyscape (2020) ...
Region Stockholm (2023) uses its app for...
This is how OpenAI (2023) answered when…
Microsoft Bing (2024) interpreted the phenomenon…
More information
- Common software and mobile apps mentioned in the text, but not paraphrased or quoted, do not need citations. “Common” is relative to your audience – exampes include Microsoft Office, social media apps (e.g. Facebook, Twitter), survey software, Adobe products, Java and statistical programs (e.g. SPSS).
- The date of a computer software or mobile app reference is the year of publication of the version used.
- The date of an AI-tool is the year of the version you used. You need to include only the year, not the exact date. The version number provides the specific date information a reader might need.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- You should never use a text generated in an AI tool as your own, but AI generated material can be used as e.g. study material or basis for discussion. Whenever you paraphrase, quote, or incorporate into your own work any content from a generative AI tool (whether text, image, data, or other) make sure you cite the tool you used to create it.
- AI generated material is always unique, therefore it is a good idea to copy the material (prompt and generated material) as an attatchment to your work.
Author, X. X./Organization. (Date). Title. (Version) [Data set/Unpublished raw data]. Publisher/Source of unpublished data. DOI/URL
Palin, K., Pitkänen, E., Turunen, M., Sahu, B., Pihlajamaa, P., Kivioja, T., … Aaltonen, L. (2018). Contribution of allelic imbalance to colorectal cancer [Data set]. Zenodo.
Andersen, L. M. (2017). Data for group analyses in the Frontiers Reseach Topic: From raw MEG/EEG to publication: How to perform MEG/EEG group analysis with free academic software [Data set]. Version 2. Zenodo.
Socialstyrelsen. (n.d.). Statistical database, cause of death [Data set].
World Health Organization. (2018). Adolescent birth rate. Data by country [Data set]. Global Health Observatory data repository.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Palin et al., 2018)
(Andersen, 2017)
(Socialstyrelsen, n.d.)
(World Health Organization [WHO], 2018)
When the author is mentioned in the text
Palin et al. (2018) claims that ...
Andersen (2017) describe …
According to Socialstyrelsen (n.d.) ...
World Health Organization (WHO, 2018) develops...
Following citations
(Palin et al., 2018)
Palin et al. (2018) claims that ...
(Andersen, 2017)
Andersen (2017) describe…
(Socialstyrelsen, n.d.)
According to Socialstyrelsen (n.d.) ...
(WHO, 2018)
According to WHO (2018) ...
More information
- Please see the examples for articles to find more information about how to refer to data sets with several creators.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- Information about the version shall be stated if you use any other version than the first one. If there is no information about the version of your source, you can assume that it is the first version.
- If there is an established and well-known abbreviation for an authority, department or organization, you can use this together with the name in full the first time the reference is mentioned. After this, you only use the abbreviation. If the full name is short or if the abbreviation is unknown, it is better to write the full name each time.
University. (Year). Title of curriculum. Place: University, Department.
Karolinska Institutet. (2018). Utbildningsplan för sjuksköterskeprogrammet 1SJ13. Stockholm: Karolinska Institutet, Styrelsen för utbildning.
Electronic form
Karolinska Institutet. (2018). Utbildningsplan för sjuksköterskeprogrammet 1SJ13. Retrieved from
In text
Parenthetical form
(Karolinska Institutet, 2018)
When the author is mentioned in the text
According tot Karolinska Institutet (2018) …
More information
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead
- The terms that are used in the references (for example editor, chapter, edition) are determined by the language of your text and not by the language of the source
Surname, X. X./Organization. (Date). Title. [ev. Description of audiovisuals]. Name of learning management system/company intranet. URL login page
Undervisning och Lärande, Karolinska Institutet. (2020) Introduction: Knowledge and learning. Canvas.
Mack, R., & Spake, G. (2018). Citing open source images and formatting references for presentations. [PowerPoint slides]. Canvas@FNU.
In text
Paranthetical form
(Undervisning och Lärande, Karolinska Institutet, 2020)
(Mack & Spake, 2018)
When the originator is mentioned in the text
According to Undervisning och Lärande at Karolinska Institutet (2020) …
Mack and Spake (2020) shows that ....
More information
- If the information come from a classroom website, learning management system (e.g. Canvas), or company intranet and you are writing for an audience with access to that resource, provide the name of the site and its URL (use the login page URL for sites requiring login).
- If the work is intended for a wider audience who will not have access to these sources, cite the sources as personal communication.
Organization (Date). Entry term. In Title. Retrieved date, from URL
Author, X. X. (Date). Entry term. In Title. Publisher. Retrieved date, from URL
American Psychological Association. (n.d.) Positive transference. In APA dictionary of psychology. Retrieved August 31, 2019, from
National Library of Medicine. (n.d.) Rinitis, Allergic, Seasonal. In MeSH Database. Publisher. Retrieved November 20, 2020, from
Graham, G. (2019) Behaviorism. In E. N. Zalta (Ed.), The Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy. (Summer 2019 ed.). Stanford University. sum2019/entries/behaviorism/
In text
Paranthetical form
(American Psychological Association, n.d.)
(National Library of Medicine, n.d.)
(Graham, 2019)
When the author is mentioned in the text
American Psychological Association (n.d.) claims…
National Library of Medicine (n.d.) seem to…
According to Graham (2019)…
More information
- The Graham example is structured similarly to the reference for a chapter in an edited book because the entry has an individual author, the encyclopedia has an editor and the whole book has a publisher. Because this version of the entry is archived, a retrieval date is not needed.
- When an online reference work is continuously updated and versions are not archived, use “n.d.” as the year of publication and include a retrieval date.
- If you have two or more “no date” references with the same authors in the same order, you should use lowercase letters – a, b, c, and so forth – after the publication date and alphabetize the references by their titles (for example: National Library of Medicine (n.d.-a) use the term…). For more information see FAQ.
Title (SFS Year:Number). Publisher. URL
Title (HSLF-FS Year:Number). Publisher. URL
Title (SOFS Year:Number). Publisher. URL
Hälso- och sjukvårdslag (SFS 2017:30). Socialdepartementet.
Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om villkor för avgiftsfri screening (HSLF-FS 2019:14). Socialstyrelsen.
Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter om basal hygien i vård och omsorg (SOFS 2015:10). Socialstyrelsen.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Hälso- och sjukvårdslag [HSL], 2017)
(Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om villkor för avgiftsfri screening, 2019)
(Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter om basal hygien i vård och omsorg, 2015)
If law or legislation is mentioned in text
According to Hälso- och sjukvårdslagen (HSL, 2017) ...
According to Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om villkor för avgiftsfri screening (2019) ...
Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter om basal hygien i vård och omsorg (2015) recommends that ...
Following citations
(HSL, 2017)
In HSL (2017) also states ...
(Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om villkor för avgiftsfri screening, 2019)
In Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter och allmänna råd om villkor för avgiftsfri screening (2019) it is noted that ...
More information
- There are no specific rules in APA on how to refer to laws and legislation outside the United States. The recommendation is to format the references according to guidelines in each country. The references in this guide are adapted to the Swedish cataloguing rules. If you refer to laws and legislation from other countries you may need to adapt to the guidelines of that country.
- Most Swedish laws and regulations are now available electronically on the Internet. Laws and regulations may be changed and updated, and you should check the latest edition.
- It is possible to state chapter and paragraph in the text.
- If there is an established and well-known abbreviation for the law, you can use this together with the name in full the first time the reference is mentioned. After this, you only use the abbreviation. If the full name is short or if the abbreviation is unknown, it is better to write the full name each time.
Author, X. X. (Year). Title [Pamphlet]. Publisher. DOI/URL
American Heart Association & American Stroke Association. (2015). Let’s talk about life time changes to prevent stroke [Broschure]. American Heart Association.
In text
Paranthetical form
(American Heart Association & American Stroke Association, 2015)
When the author is mentioned in the text
American Heart Association and American Stroke Association (2015) states that…
More information
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
- Digital object identifier (DOI) is a unique number that identifies a specific source and provides a persistent link to it. If an digital pamphlet does not have a DOI-number, and the pamphlet was accessed online from a nondatabase website, the URL is stated instead.
Inventor, X. X. (Year patent issued). Title of patent (Patent no.. xxxxxxx). Patent office. URL
Hiremath, S. C., Kumar, S., Lu, F., & Salehi, A. (2016) Using metaphors to present concepts across different intellectual domains (U.S. Patent No. 9,367,592). U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Boiten H. (2015). Prosthetic Knee Joint (Patent EP 3089711). European Patent Office.
In text
Paranthetical form
(Boiten, 2015)
(Hiremath et al., 2016)
When the author is mentioned in the text
Boiten (2015) developed…
Hiremath et al. (2016) made sure…
More information
- The patent number is a unique identifying code given to every patent. The year refers to the year the patent was issued, not the year the patent was applied for.
- Use the name of the inventor(s) as creator(s). Please see the examples for books to find more information about how to refer to patents with several inventors.
- Use the same template if you want to refer to a patent application. Use the phrase Patent application followed by the number of the patent application.
- The URL of the patent is optional but may be included in the reference list entry if available.
In text
Parenthetical form
(A. Domeij, personal communication, May 5, 2020)
When the conversation is mentioned in the text
According to Anna Domeij (personal communication, May 5, 2020), there is...
More information
- Works that cannot be recovered by readers are cited in text as personal communication.
- Personal communication should only be cited in the text, and is not included in the reference list. State initials of the person's given name, family name, personal communication, and date.
- Personal communication includes emails, text messages, online chats, personal interviews, telephone conversations, live speeches, unrecorded classroom lectures, memos, letters and so on.
- Prefer other sources than personal communication, and check with teachers/supervisors if personal communication is an acceptable source.
Surname, X. X. (Date). Title [PowerPoint presentation]. Organization: URL
Housand, B. (2016). Game on! Integrating games and simulations in the classroom [PowerPoint presentation]. Slideshare
Bramer, W. M. (2015 December). EA unique method for fast, high-quality systematic searching [PowerPoint presentation]. Slideshare
In text
Paranthetical form
(Housand, 2016)
(Bramer, 2015
When the originator is mentioned in the text
Housand (2016) applies…
Bramer (2015) recommends …
More information
- If the slides come from a classroom website, learning management system (e.g. Canvas), or company intranet and you are writing for an audience with access to that resource, provide the name of the site and its URL (use the login page URL for sites requiring login)
- Please see reference examples for books to find more information about how to refer to PowerPoint presentations with several authors.
- If no publication year is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead.
When citing a secondary source, only provide a reference list entry for the secondary source that you used. In text, identify the primary source and then write “as cited in” the secondary source that you used.
In text
Paranthetical form
(Glaser & Strauss, 1992, as cited in Polit & Beck, 2004)
(Retzius, 1843, as cited in Bahlo, 2001)
When the author is mentioned in the text
According to Glaser and Strauss (1992) the Grounded theory method is used ... (Polit & Beck, 2004).
Retzius (1843) classified humans in several ways (Bahlo, 2001).
List of references
Bahlo, C. (2001). From universal homogeneity to essential heterogeneity: on the visual construction of "the Lappish race", Acta Borealia, 18(2) 23-39.
Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2004). Nursing research : principles and methods (7 ed.). Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
More information
- A secondary source refers to content first reported in another source.
- void secondary sources if possible. Use it when the original work is out of print, unavailable or available in a language that you don’t understand. If possible, as a matter of good scholary practice, find the original source, read it and cite the original source rather than citing a secondary source.
- The primary source is not listed in the reference list, only in the text.. In the reference list, only the sources that you’ve actually read is listed, in this case, the secondary source.
- If no publication year for the original source is available, please use (n.d.), short for no date, instead
- For information how to cite the secondary source in the reference list, see the template for the source in question.
Organization. (Date). Title (SOU Year:Number). Pubisher. URL
KAM-utredningen (2019). Komplementär och alternativ medicin och vård – säkerhet, kunskap, dialog. Delbetänkande (SOU 2019:15). Norstedts Juridik.
In text
Parenthetical form
(KAM-utredningen, 2019)
When the author is mentioned in the text
KAM-utredningen (2019) describe...
More information
- SOU is treated as a rapport with an organization as author.
- The organizations often appoint committees or investigation groups who become the actual authors and who are to be listed as authors.
- If the names of these authors cannot act independently (or if it is difficult to determine the name format) they shall be subservient to their respective administrative units. For example, authorities and departments or geographic units such as countries or cities.
(Surname, Year; Surname, Year)
(Gaudreault et al., 2011; Killi, 2014; Müllersdorf & Ivarsson, 2012)
(Killi, 2011, 2014)
More information
- You can include more than one citation in the same parentheses. Separate them with a semicolon. Give the citations in alphabetical order within the parentheses.
- If you use more than one citation by the same author, you don't need to repeat the name of the author.
Lund, A. (2011)
Lund, A. (Ed.) (2013)
Lund, A. (2015a)
Lund, A. (2015b)
Lund, A., & Yan, R. (2014)
Lund, A., Yan, R., & Johansson, P. (2013)
Lund, A., & Östman, A. (2010)
Lund, A., & Östman, A. (2014)
Lund, V. (2015)
Lunds universitet. (2010)
Lundström, S. (2011)
More information
- Arrange entries in alphabetical order by the surname of the first author followed by the initials of the author’s given name(s).
- The same rules apply to books with editors and when an organization is author. References without author and editor are sorted alphabetically based on title.
- One-author entries precedes multiple-author entries beginning with the same first author, even if the multiple-author work was published earlier. Multiple-author entries with the same first author and different subsequent authors should be arranged alphabetically by the surname of the second author, or if the second author is the same, the surname of the third author, and so forth.
- To differentiate references with the same author and the same year, put a lowercase letter after the year in both the in-text citation and the reference list entry. If the references are in press or have no date, add a hyphen before the letter (n.d. –a) (n.d. –b).
One author
(Koriat, 2008a)
(Koriat, 2008b)
According to Koriat (2008a) ...
More than one author
(Protudjer, Jansson, Heibert Arnlind, et al., 2015)
(Protudjer, Jansson, Östblom, et al., 2015)
(Polit & Beck, 2012a)
(Polit & Beck, 2012b)
More information
- To differentiate references with the same author and the same year, put a lowercase letter after the year in both the in-text citation and the reference list entry. If the references are in press or have no date, add a hyphen before the letter (n.d. –a) (n.d. –b).
- Multiple-author entries with the same first author and different subsequent authors should be arranged alphabetically by the surname of the second author, or if the second author is the same, the surname of the third author, and so forth.
- If there are more authors than mentioned in the citation, et al. is added. Please note that et al. means "and others" and can't replace one single author. If only one author remains you should therefore state the name of this author as well.
- The same rules apply to books with editors and when an organization is author. References without author and editor are sorted alphabetically based on title.
Parenthetical form
(X. X. Surname, Year)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
According to X. X. Surname (Year) ...
(M. Andersson, 2014)
(Y. Andersson, 2012)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
According to M. Andersson (2014) ...
Y. Andersson (2012) describes ...
More information
- Citations by different authors with the same surname are distinguished by including first name initials in the text.
0-40 words
In summary, no significant differences between the groups were found (Andersson, 2016).
More information
- The citation is always located before the period.
Studies indicate that lung cancer may grow more slowly in women. Lindell et al. (2015) showed that 85% of the lung tumours that took more than 400 days to double in volume were found in women. This result is a reflection of the higher incidence among women of forms of cancer with a slower disease progression such as alveolar cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma, but Lindell et al. found that the time it took for the volume to double was greater in women, regardless of the histological type of lung cancer.
Lindell et al. (2015) studied four different histological types of lung cancer.
More information
- If a citation recurs in the same paragraph, you may omit the parentheses with the year if the author is mentioned in the text. If you don't mention the author in the text you should always include both author and year in the parentheses.
- If the citation recurs in a new paragraph, you should always state both author and year.
More information
- It is not necessary to provide database information in references. The purpose of a reference list is to provide the reader with enough details to be able to find and read the individual reference. Most references are available through a variety of databases or platforms as well as in print.
Surname-Surmane, X. X.
Surname, X.-X..
Rodriguez-Vieitez, E.
Hulting, A.-L.
de Beauvoir, S.
In text
Parenthetical form
(Rodriguez-Vietez, 2017)
(Hulting, 2018)
When the authors are mentioned in the text
Rodriguez-Vietez (2017) indicates ...
According to Hulting (2018) ...
More information
- Keep the hyphen in hyphenated double surnames.
- Shorten hyphenated double first names to initials. Keep the hyphen. No space should be added between the period and the hyphen.
- Please note that many databases omit hyphens in double first names. In these cases you can choose between the forms with and without hyphen.
More information
- When a DOI or URL is long or complex, you may use shortDOIs or shortened URLs.
- To shorten a DOI, use the shortDOI Service
- According to APA, abbreviated URLs are allowed in the reference list as long as you make sure that the address leads to the correct source. To shorten lengthy URLs, various online services exist.
0-40 words
"..." (Surname, Year, p. ).
More than 40 words
... (Surname, Year, p.)
0-40 words
"Evidence based medicine is the conscientious, explicit, and judicious use of current best evidence in making decisions about the care of individual patients" (Sackett, 1996, p. 71).
More than 40 words
The Phurnacite factory in Abercwmboi killed all the trees for two miles around. We’d measured it on the mileometer. It looked like something from the depths of hell, black and looming with chimneys of flame, reflected in a dark pool that killed any bird or animal that drank from it. The smell was beyond description. (Walton, 2010, p. 11)
No pagination in the source
(Mattson, 2012, para. 3)
(Boussard, 2010, Chapter 1)
More information
- If you use quotations in your text, you should give information about page number(s) after the year in the in-text- citation, followed by the abbreviation p.
- If the source lacks pagination, indicate where in the text the quotation is found in another way. You can for example state the name or number of the chapter, or count paragraphs and state the paragraph number. Use the abbreviation para. for paragraph.
- Put quotation marks around quotations that are up to 40 words long.
- Formate a quotation longer than 40 words as block quotations, as a separate paragraph with a left margin indent. Do not use quotation marks.
- You may state pages in the in-text citations even if you don't quotate. This might for example be relevant if you discuss or comment a specific part of the text.
More information
- Ibid. is not used in the APA style.
- In APA style, you should always use author and year in the in-text citations, also when the same citation recurs. In some cases you may omit the year, see Citing the same source several times.
- Ibid. is an abbreviation for the Latin word ibidem, meaning "in the same place".
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