Addressing recommendations for publications written at Karolinska Institutet (KI) or the Stockholm County Council (SLL)
This page makes a registered document from 2015-12-15 (Dnr 2-4576/2015) available as accessible web content. Hence, in order to provide a direct copy of the information, logos, contact information and similar information may be out of date. A link to the pdf version of the original document is available at the bottom of this page.
Research Strategy Committee
Dnr 2-4576/2015
A not insignificant number of the publications verified in the Karolinska bibliometric system as written at KI/SLL, are missing a recognizable KI/SLL address on the publications themselves.

Such publications cannot be identified as KI/SLL publications in bibliometric analyses performed outside of KI/SLL. For example, they will not generate government funds or affect output indicators in rankings.
Department heads at KI/SLL may check the status for their department in the Bibliometric Analysis Toolkit which is available in the bibliometric system.

In view of this, the Research Strategy Committee recommends the following addressing guidelines:
- Everyone affiliated to Karolinska Institutet should on their publications write the university address in this format: Dept X, Karolinska Institutet, SE-XXX XX Postal area, Sweden.
- When appropriate, the hospital address* should also be added so that the final address is written in this format: Dept X, Karolinska Institutet, and Dept/Unit Y, Karolinska University Hospital, SE-XXX XX Postal area, Sweden.
- County council employees that perform their research in the hospital setting only and are not affiliated to Karolinska Institutet should write their hospital address* in the following format: Dept/Unit Y, Karolinska University Hospital, SE-XXX XX Postal area, Sweden. This format is valid whether or not the research is conducted in collaboration with researchers from another university.
Grey sections of the above examples are not mandatory.
Note that the placing of commas is significant. The main organization names (above exemplified with ”Karolinska Institutet” and ”Karolinska University Hospital”) should always be directly followed by a comma to ensure that they are not misinterpreted.
Postal code and area only need to be present once.
The order of the organisations within the address does not usually affect bibliometric analyses results, but it may affect how the journal treats and displays the addresses and how address information is stored and displayed in databases. The recommendation is therefore to enter your primary research organization (usually Karolinska Institutet) as the first address and your other affiliation as the subsequent address.
Publications with addresses deviating from these recommendations may be excluded from bibliometric analyses within KI/SLL.
These recommendations were decided by the Research Strategy Committee at their meeting on December 15th 2015.

This page makes a registered document from 2015-12-15 (Dnr 2-4576/2015) available as accessible web content. Hence, in order to provide a direct copy of the information, logos, contact information and similar information may be out of date. A link to the pdf version of the original document is available at the bottom of this page.
- Addressing recommendations for publications written at KI/SLL (PDF, 374.03 KB)
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