Open infrastructures
Open infrastructures are systems and services used to provide open access to research results, research data and research methods. Here you can read about open infrastructures and see which initiatives KIB financially supports.
What are open infrastructures?

To enable researchers and organisations to practice open science, appropriate and easy-to-use infrastructures are needed. These systems and services make research results available to everyone, facilitating collaboration and utilisation in both science and society. In particular, the use of established standards and persistent identifiers is essential to link different research products such as research data, publications and methods and to ensure long-term accessibility.
Open infrastructures are usually supported by a combination of membership fees and/or grant funding. They are often run by public research organisations or as non-profit initiatives.
KIB's definition of open infrastructures:
‘Openly available technical systems, services and protocols that enable the collection, preservation, structuring, access and visibility, sharing and evaluation of research results along with associated code, software and metadata in a systematic and standardised way.’
The definition is based on The Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure (POSI) and The Global Sustainability Coalition for Open Science Services (SCOSS) definitions.
Why does KIB support open infrastructures?
In the National guidelines for open science, the area of Infrastructures that support open science (in Swedish only) is one of six areas considered particularly important to advance in Sweden. One of the goals is that international services and infrastructures that support open science are funded nationally in a coordinated way.
Via the national BIBSAM consortium, KIB supports a few different open infrastructures. KIB has also opted to support several others beyond this, and we hope to see greater national coordination of open infrastructure support in the future. KIB primarily supports open infrastructures that are used and create benefits in KIB's and KI's activities.
Open infrastructures that KIB supports
Below is a list of the open infrastructures that KIB currently provides financial support for. The list will be updated on an ongoing basis.
Crossref is a non-profit membership organization providing open digital infrastructure for the global research community. Among many other things, they register DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) for scientific publications.
All Crossref metadata is open and available for reuse without restriction. The metadata includes information about research objects like articles, grants and awards, preprints, conference papers, book chapters, datasets, and more. The information covers elements like titles, contributors, descriptions, dates, references, connecting identifiers such as Crossref DOIs, ROR IDs and ORCID iDs, together with all sorts of metadata that helps to determine provenance, trust, and reusability – such as funding, clinical trial, and license information.
DOAJ is a quality-controlled database that indexes academic, peer-reviewed full OA journals across all disciplines. It includes more than 21,000 journals in 80 different languages. DOAJ services are free for all, and all data provided by DOAJ is free and harvestable. Hybrid OA journals are not included.
OAPEN/DOAB promotes and supports the publication of open access academic e-books, they provide an infrastructure for publishers, libraries and research funders in open science. OAPEN operates three different platforms:
- DOAB (Directory of Open Access Books) is a search service that indexes scholarly, peer-reviewed open access e-books. DOAB is run on a non-profit basis and all services are free and freely available.
- OAPEN Library - a repository for publishing and disseminating open e-books.
- OAPEN Open Access Books Toolkit - a book publishing toolkit for authors who want to publish open access e-books
ORCiD is a non-profit organization which provides the identifier ORCiD ID. This identifier for individual researchers allows them to be identified across different scholarly settings and connects them to other metadata about their institutional affiliations, their publications and their other scholarly works. A widely used persistent identifier for researchers increases the visibility of the individual researcher’s contributions to research, as well as aiding the traceability, findability and transparency of research.
Contact us
Do you want to know more about open infrastructures or have suggestions for an infrastructure that KIB can support?

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