Video & film production

We perform recording, editing and consulting for various types of video and film productions.

Video shoot with Bildmakarna. Photo Ulf Sirborn
Filmer Stefan Zimmerman is filming for KI. Photo Ulf Sirborn.

We have extensive experience of filming in medical settings. The assignments include everything from Nobel lectures to instructional materials for the presentation of medical methods and products. We also perform digital post-processing.

We perform, among other things:

  • Video filming
  • Editing
  • Livestreaming
  • 360-VR (adapted for VR glasses)
We always discuss the product with you as a customer. In some cases, we also publish and create subtitles your videos.


From Bildmakarna you can order productions and get help with creating pictures, videos and posters.

Customer reception by appointment Bildmakarna Nobels väg 15 B.

Thursday April 17th we will close at 12:00 due to Easter holidays. Back Tuesday April 22nd 09:00

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Last updated: 2024-06-14