Import references

There are four principal ways to import references to Endnote:

  1. Search for references in a specific database, select the references you want and then use the export feature in the database. In some cases you have to save the references in a file and import them.
  2. Connect to a database via the Endnote interface and import references directly.
  3. Import and create references from a PDF or folder of PDF's.
  4. Create a new reference manually.

Depending on your workflow and preferences, you may use different methods.

Option one is preferable if you are conducting a more advanced literature search. If you already know a selection of references to import, for example an author name or article title, you probably would benefit using option two. And if you have a collection of PDF's, option three would be most suitable.

Creating references manually is quite difficult and should be avoided. However, in case you do not find a reference in a database or library catalogue, for example a web page, creating a reference manually is necessary.

Last updated: 2021-05-27