Insert citations

When you need to insert a citation:

1. Place the cursor where you want the reference to be inserted in the text.

2. Click Insert Citation

Word Insert Citation screenshot

3. A dialogue box will turn up. For example, type in an author name or title words in the search box. It is important to use the correct spelling of a word or name when you search. Otherwise you will not get any result. A recommendation is to copy the title of the reference to be inserted from your Endnote Online-group.

Word Insert Citation modal screenshot

4. Mark the reference and click the button Insert. The reference will be inserted as a temporary reference as follows: {Baxter, 2013, Intensive cataract training: a novel approach}

5. Continue writing in your work and insert references as above.

References shared with someone else

If anyone else shared a group of references with you that you want to be able to put into Word, do like this: In Organize, go to Other's Groups and to the group you've been assigned. Check the box sayin Use for Cite While You Write. Log then off from your Endnote library and log in again. If it doesn't work directly it's because it could be a delay.

Last updated: 2021-06-11