
Welcome to this EndNote 20 guide by the Karolinska Institutet University Library. The main purpose is to provide course material for our workshops in EndNote 20.

The Endnote software allows you to collect, organize and maintain a library of references, find and save full-text journal articles, and insert and format references in a MS Word document. The references and PDF's in your library are searchable.

We strongly recommend that you always work with one library only. Using several Endnote libraries can in the long run create problems.

The Endnote library should be kept on your own computer. Don't store an Endnote library on any cloud service and do not store a working library on a flash drive. If you choose to use the Endnote sync feature you will save the library on the Endnote cloud service and have access to it via Endnote Online or the Endnote app.

Also, make sure to back up your library at a regular basis using the Compressed Library command (for libraries smaller than 5G) or the Save A Copy command for larger libraries.

Last updated: 2023-11-02