Open Access around the world

Open Access Week is an invaluable chance to connect the global momentum toward the open sharing of knowledge with the advancement of policy changes and the importance of social issues affecting people around the world. The event is celebrated by individuals, institutions and organizations around the world.

Community over Commercialization
Community over Commercialization
Kollage av foton på människor och open access-lås.

Community over Commercialization

This year’s theme encourages a candid conversation about which approaches to open scholarship that prioritise the best interests of the public and the academic community – and which do not.

Open Access Week at Twitter #OpenAccesWeek #OAWeek

Initiative during Open Access Week 2023

Stockholm University

Stockholm University is highlighting the theme by showcasing the support available for researchers and doctoral students who wish to work openly. Additionally, the university is shedding light on the costs it incurs each year to access and publish scientific articles. 

KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Among other things the KTH Library is promoting the ongoing exhibition about Fair data and open science which is taking place in the entrance hall of the KTH Library. 

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Last updated: 2024-04-18