Extended opening hours

Outside of regular opening hours, KI students and KI staff can use the libraries services and premises in Solna and Flemingsberg every day, 7:00-22:00. All you need is your KI card (and PIN code). Please note that the KI card is mandatory when staying after hours.

Two students in Solna.
Two students using the extended opening hours in Solna. Photo: Erik Cronberg.

About the KI card/access badge

All information about KI cards for students can be found on the page KI cards for students.

All information about KI cards / access cards for employees can be found on the page Access cards / badge.

Please note that access is ruled by your course start date.This means that, if you are a new student who has collected your KI card before the semester began, you will still only get access to the premises as of the first day of your course/courses. 

How does it work?

Using your KI card and PIN code, you can access the library premises every day 7:00 - 22:00, including public holidays. Library staff is not present after regular opening hours. In case you feel unsafe, keep in mind that KI has security guards on campus around the clock, and can be reached by phone (their contact number will be clearly visible in the library). Please note that the security guards cannot help you with any library questions or issues. Use your KI card to borrow and return books in our self-service machines.

Please note that you need too use special entrance doors during extended hours: 

  • In Flemingsberg you enter and exit the library through the emergency exit door next to the regular library entrance. The easiest way to enter the building is via Alfred Nobels allé 8.
  • In Solna, enter the building through Berzelius väg 3 or 9, go to staircase 1, which is located next to the (now closed) bookstore "Medicinska bokhandeln". Then walk or take the elevator up one floor to floor 3. Once you have reached floor 3, enter the library using your KI card and PIN code. Study places can be found at many places in the library. Books are mainly to your left, in the vicinity of the information desk.

How does it work for public users (not affiliated with KI)?

You are welcome to visit the libraries in Solna and Flemingsberg during our regular opening hours. Only visitors with a KI card may stay at the premises after regular opening hours. If you want to return books when the library is closed, use the book-drops outside the library building.

What happens if I need help?

During extended hours, the library operates on a self-service basis. There are many guides and tips on our website, for example on printing and copying.

What happens if my KI card does not work?

Report an error to sakerhetsenheten@ki.se (the fault report applies to the machine fault or problems with access to premises)

What happens if I have forgotten my KI card?

Your KI card is the key to visiting the library during the extended hours. If you have forgotten your card, you will not be able to use the premises.

What happens if I have forgotten the PIN code for my KI card?

Students can quickly and easily change their PIN through KIPAS, using their student account login (however, you need to be connected to the KI wifi network Eduroam in order to access the website). 

Where do I turn if something is perceived as unsafe in the library? 

KI has security guards on campus around the clock, who can be contacted if something is perceived as unsafe, threatening or that deviates from normal. They can always be reached by phone and the number is signposted in the library.

Student visiting the information desk in Solna.

Contact the library

You are welcome to contact us through phone, chat or email.

Opening hours chat & phone

Mon (6/5) - Wed (8/5): 9:00-16:00
Thu (9/5) - Sun (12/5): Closed
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Last updated: 2024-04-29