The department/clinic/patient area shown in My profile is incorrect!

This information is retrieved from the Karolinska Institutet and Region Stockholm staff catalogues KIIP/IDAC and EK.

Information in the bibliometric database about organizational affiliation is updated once a day which means it can take 24 hours for any change in KIIP/IDAC and EK to take effect. If you wish to make the change immediately, use the refresh button on the My affiliations page. Please note that for Region Stockholm, only affiliations defined by Region Stockholm FoU as research units are included.

If the error persists after update, please contact your local KIIP/IDAC or EK administrator to check that the information about you in those systems is correct.

If the information is incorrect in KIIP/IDAC and EK, please send an email to and we'll help you find out what's wrong.

Senast uppdaterad: 2021-07-08